Clarity: Part Two

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Well ladies and gents, I promised to post when you got Blurred to 800 votes. First if all, you guys have no idea how much it means to me that all of you have taken time to support me. I hope this next book is filled with plenty of comments (because y'all crack me up) and lots of votes to let me know you're enjoying it. I never expected to be here today and I love you all the more for it. So I guess, without further ado...

Chapter One: Let's Be Kids Again

It's the end of the world
said the caterpillar.
It's just the beginning
said the butterfly.

Chapter One: Let's Be Kids Again

Brightness erupted in front of my closed eyelids, forcing them to scrunch up. I pulled my covers over my head in an attempt to dull the light but the warm blankets were immediately ripped from my body.

"Wakey wakey, Kendall Bri!" A deep voice vibrated across my room and I wanted to groan in annoyance but, for some reason, I just can't stay mad at Colby Brock. I guess it's because I love him so much.

I covered my ears and curled into a ball, a smile dancing across my hidden lips.

"Get out, Brock. Nobody invited you to this tea party." I curled into myself tighter. "Uppity cow..." I mumbled out.

He snorted but never dropped his ecstatic attitude.

"C'mon, Kendall. Don't you remember what today is?"

I rolled onto my back so he could hear me better but threw an arm over my eyes. "Yeah, it was supposed to be the first day I got to sleep in since school started."

"Please, you have the rest of the summer for that. Today is international 'Let's Be Kids' day."

I knew what he was talking about because we had planned it a few weeks before graduation. Sam, Colby, Charlie, and I were all tired of the pressure and expectations orbiting our lives. We wanted a break from being adults. So we dedicated the first day of our summer just to ourselves-- a day where we could completely let loose, run around like maniacs, and not have to worry about a single thing... just like being a kid again. Except, we'd keep all of our clothes on and, that I knew of, we didn't have any diapers... but then again, this is Sam and Colby that we're speaking of, so....

"Sam and Charlie aren't even here yet. Let me sleep until then." I grumbled.

I felt the edge of the bed dip in and smiled when I felt the familiar pressure of Colby's legs on my sides and his hands by my head, trapping me in place.

Opening my wounded eyes, I took in the gorgeousness hovering above me.

With his thick, shaggy brown hair, his beautiful ocean blue eyes, and the breathtaking sculpture that was his body, I could hardly manage to look away.

"They're already on the dock waiting for us."

Taking in the way his muscles were flexed and my boyfriend's tan abdomen, I reached up and rested my hands on his shoulders, attempting to sit up.

"Why didn't you tell me you were shirtless? I would have opened my eyes hours ago." Winking at him, I pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and slipped out from beneath him.

"Is that what I am to you? Just a body?" He asked, sitting back on his legs as a faux look of hurt flashed across his attractive features.

"Of course not..." I mumbled, grabbing my swimsuit from my drawer and starting for the bathroom.

"Yeah, that's real convincing." I stepped into the hallway and listen as continued. "You know, you could just change in here!" He shouted after me. "It would save time!" Right before I shut the door, he raised his voice another octave. "I don't mind!"

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