Chapter 1

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I was starting a new school today. Great. 

I was used to moving schools, my Dad was in the army, meaning we had to move around a lot to be wherever he needed us. It was fun though, we got to experience lots of different places and cultures. 

I pulled on a dress and pulled my hair into a ponytail. It was summer, this was the last term before schools broke up for the summer and I was desperate to have a fun summer. 

"Ava! I hate to rush you but you have to be in school in half an hour." My eldest brother Adam said from the other side of the door.

"Okay." I called back.

Adam had brought me a new rucksack for school. It was pink with grey stars, I didn't like it at all but I felt mean not saying so. I pulled it onto my back and rushed outside to the car. 

My brothers, Freddie, Georgie, Henry and Isaac were already in the car, looking freshly showered and ready to go to school as well. Adam ran behind me and got into the drivers seat.

"Let's go!" Adam shouted grinning and began driving.

"God girls take forever!" Freddie sighed sarcastically.

"God, you need a haircut!" I smirked, keeping it PG since Georgie, Henry and Isaac were around.

Freddie faked gasped and everyone laughed even baby Isaac.

We arrived at Isaac's childminder's house and Adam scooped him up and ran inside since we were late. Adam's going to make a great Dad. He took care of us all every day, Dad paid him to do so, but I think he would have done it without the money anyway. 

We rushed to Georgie and Henry's primary school and Adam rushed them into their classes with a million and one bags and PE kits. 

It was just us three. 

We reached our new school and Adam let us out of the car and had to go since his work was close to starting. He rushed away in the car desperate to avoid traffic. 

"Ava, please try and act not like a complete idiot. I want to fit in this year." Freddie whispered.

"It's abit hard it's in my genes." I snapped back

Freddie was quiet and I smirked. Any talk about my biological mother made them all very uncomfortable but it was very satisfying to see them uncomfortable.

We reached the school and were given our timetables along with another one hundred things I needed to remember that I wouldn't.

2 students came over. One girl who was my age and another boy who was Freddie's age.
"This is Cara and Josh they will show you around today." 

We walked to our first lesson in silent. I think Cara was shy...or didn't like me. I wasn't great at talking to strangers either so I just stayed quiet. 

I didn't sit next to Cara in the lesson, she obviously was very popular and had hundreds of friends who all smiled at her when she walked in. She slid into a seat next to another girl so I found an empty desk at the back of the room.

"Hello, Class, My name is Miss Lovat-" she started.

I looked up, frowning. She looked very familiar. Almost too familiar. I slowly stood up, surely Adam would have known that my Mum taught here. The surname Lovato was not popular at all. I squinted to the front of the room. Her eyes met mine and she immediately stopped what she was saying, looking shocked. 

I stood up and grabbed my rucksack. I stormed out of the classroom leaving the class in silent and Cara with her mouth wide open. I hated my Dad for sending her photos of me. She knew exactly who I was and I knew her since Dad kept a photo of her on his bedside table along with a photo of me. 

"Ava!" Cara called down the corridor.

I began to run and I dialled Adam.


"Ava?? Are you crying."

I didn't even realise I was crying.

"Can you pick me up?" I asked.


"No, Adam, it's Demi. She'!"

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