29. Harsh Reality

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I hated the fucking hospital. Too many fucking questions. Three days since Haven had been brought in and she still hadn't woken up. Not only was she beaten and starved she had the beginning of hypothermia and trauma to her brain. The doctors couldn't find any signs of sexual assault but I wasn't sure that was the case.

"Hey Prez." I looked up from my spot in the ICU waiting room to see Dante and Tech. "Cade and Mel ok?" "Yeah yeah. Just got to go over some things with you," Dante said. I could tell by his expression something was off. Tech looked nervous too. I passed the desk as we exited to speak with the nurse. "You let me know if my girl wakes up. They've got my number." The older woman gave me a smile and nodded her head. I hadn't left and they knew I wasn't going to. I'd been given my own cot in the waiting room and the nurses had even taken to bringing me coffee and snacks too.

We reached the smoking section, an outside patio. I watched as Tech took a blunt from his pocket and lit it. I didn't smoke weed but after the last few weeks I was tempted. "So we got some news," Dante started. "Business or Personal?" "Both." "Start with the business." "Well, Tech looked into Nicki's phone records again like you asked. Turns out she's been calling someone at the clubhouse after she took Cade. Which means..." "Somebody knew. We have a fucking traitor." "Yeah." "Anyone acting out of norm?" I asked. "I'm looking into it discretely. I'll find them." "Fuck. What's the rest?" "One of the maids had some interesting stuff regarding everything. Said that Vegas mom berated him about losing the girls and picking a whore for a wife. Basically pushed him over the edge. Said there was rumors about some kind of diary kept by the sister."

"There's more," Dante said. "We found her parents." "Parents? She never mentioned them." "Yeah I'm guessing to keep the info from Vega. Apparently they haven't stopped looking. They live about six hours from here. Here's their contact information. I didn't know if you wanted to call." "Vega has been eliminated so there's no more threat. She should be reunited with them. I'll make the call."

I knew though what making that call would mean. If Haven came back...she still may not come back to me.


My head hurt. I tried to open my eyes but the lights hurt too. Hell my whole body hurt. Especially my damn lungs. Breathing sucked. There was no one in the room with me that I could make out. That is once my vision cleared enough to see.

I was definitely in the hospital. The sliding glass doors in front of me showed a circular desk milling with people dressed in scrubs and medical equipment. An older lady in a pair of green scrubs pulled to a stop as she walked by becoming aware that I was awake. Quickly she open the sliding door with an excited smile. "Welcome back Mrs.Wagner. Your husband and your parents will be ecstatic to see you've woke up. Let me just check your vitals and I will alert them and the doctor. That man of yours has been pacing the floors since you got here." My throat was raspy and dry as I tried to ask, lWhere is here? And how long? My parents ?" "You've been here about four days. Your at Duran Medical Center. I'll be right back dear."

I must have nodded back to sleep when I woke back up to hear Hazard sounding like he was about to lose it. "I thought you said she'd woken up? Is something wrong? Why the hell..." "Hazard." The sound of my voice had him shutting up quick. He ignored anything the nurse was saying and came to the side of the bed cradling my cheek with his hand. "You scared the fuck out of me cupcake. Don't do it again." I smiled. "What happened? Cade.." "..is fine. At home mad as a hornet like the rest of them because they can't come visit yet." My look of confusion must have voiced my thoughts. "You're in ICU baby doll. They won't let anyone but immediate family members in and half the time not even them." Now I understood the Mrs. Wagner thing. "Kitten. Tech found your parents. They're here too. They've been searching for you for a long time." "My parents? I..." I couldn't speak. I hadn't seen my parent in nearly six years. Out of risk I couldn't involve them or attempt to contact them at all. I had used alias' for so long to protect them. The nurse came back in. "Doctor will be here in a minute, Mr. Wagner. You'll have to wait outside while he does his evaluation." Hazard nodded not looking very happy. "But.." "It's ok sweets. I know the layout around here. I'll get some coffee and then send your mom and dad in. Will that be ok?" I shook my head yes. Overwhelmed that he found them and the prospect of seeing them again. Hazard rubbed his hand down my cheek one last time before he left and kissed me on the forehead. The tenderness almost bringing me to tears. "I'm so glad your awake sweetheart."

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