13. Waiting Game

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We made it to the edge of the woods when the blast hit but not far enough. I went down with Doc still over my shoulder. The jolt must have woken him briefly as I heard him groan. Fuck I didn't want him to die but he was close. "Doc?" "Stop the bleeding. Four wheeler mile out." I quickly yanked my shirt off and tied it tight around his leg. I used his socks to plug both holes in his shoulder and side. "Fuck. What the hell is Haven into." We made it to the four wheelers. Actually I probably would have found them if I didn't almost trip when I hit the underground trailer with my toe. I made it to the road in no time but I knew Vegas men would be out full force. The four wheeler was loud and that was not what I needed to draw attention to me. I picked up doc and started walking north, toward town. "She was so broken when they brought her in. I didn't think she'd make it." I knew he must be talking about Haven. "Red hair. Still had fire.  Saved me too." "Where'd you find her?" Fuck I didn't want to know but then again I did. "So broken. Wouldn't let me help until I helped the kids." "Is it true? Is she Vega's?" "She's her own." Then the man passed out. Fuck.

I'd laid down but I didn't sleep. I couldn't. I had to come up with a plan. Vega had gotten too close this time. He'd never stop searching and if he had Hazard.....there was no way I'd be stopped from going after him. Whatever we had had somehow developed into something deeper. He was essential to my being now and I hadn't realized it before now. Two weeks was all it took. It should scare me but it didn't. Not anymore. When the motorcycle pulled up and a rush of commotion came bursting through the door I was briefly stunned. When he moved through the door and looked at me I was so relieved I felt the hot tears run down my face. The look on his face had me frozen though. He knew. He knew why Vega was after me. His eyes were clear. He wanted nothing to do with Vegas trash.

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