7. Long Day

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I heard him come up behind me as I stood at the sink scrubbing the red tint of blood off my hands. I wasn't cold but I was shivering regardless. Seeing one of Vega's lackeys and knowing I came very close to being dragged back to the hell hole I'd once escaped  had me on edge. Sarah's last words to me before she died were "He's coming for you". I had tried to save her but as I expected her internal wounds were just too bad. She'd been beaten and abused for too long. It had been nearly 4 years since Id seen her last. The night she helped me escape. She had been my savior and I couldn't return the favor. 

"I'm not in the mood Hazard. Just leave it alone tonight." 

"Mood or not. I need some answers and I want them now." He was too close. My shivering was visible now. His tone was low and soothing even if his words weren't. Suddenly I was scooped up before I could protest. 

"You're about to fall on your feet. So do me a favor and don't argue with me and show me where your room is at." 

"Excuse me? Look I've already told you I'm not a damn prostitute!! Geeze I haven't even been laid in damn near..." I caught myself before I revealed that one. It had been a while. More than a while actually but since my experience I hadn't ever trusted a man to be that close to me. So why my body was going into full force excitement was beyond me. Damn traitorous female hormones. The grin he gave me was annoying as hell. Like he knew exactly what was going on underneath my clothes right now. 

"Go on Sweets. You tell me and I'll tell you. Then we can both talk about how to resolve that problem." I couldn't help the eye roll. He was full of himself but that damn boyish grin made my stomach do flip flops. 

"I'm not sleeping with you. For one I have two children in this house. And two I don't even like you." 

"We'll see about that. Now where's your room?" I hesitated but eventually gave in. 

"Fine. It's the last door on the left. But don't get any ideas."  Shit he had to throw that damn smile at me again.


Fuck. She was about to drive me crazy. Actually....she'd already drove me insane. What was it about this women that made me want to turn caveman and drag her back to my damn lair and tie her up?  Most women would have been a mess after watching someone die. Instead my girl just gave directions and went to wash the blood off her arms. My girl? When the hell did I become such a damn Nancy? I was a biker for heavens sake....the Top Biker to be exact. Feelings and emotions were normally saved for family day. It wasn't ok when Family day feelings spilled over to my work. Not ok at all! 

I had been here a whole 16 hours and already the red headed siren in my arms had me hypnotized. Damn if she didn't feel good in my arms though. And her little confession that she was hard up for a man had me practically foaming at the mouth. I wanted her. No question there. And I would have her too now that it was pretty clear she was never my fathers mistress. I hadn't gotten the whole story on the relationship between them but it seemed pretty platonic. Rigs filled me in with what he knew. Haven wasn't just her name... It was also her work. The Safe Haven took in bikers, specifically the Mezas and DB's, when they needed medical attention. Haven got them better and sent them on their way. Most of them anyways. Some, like Punchy, had stayed. 

 "You can put me down now. I think I can make it from here."

I didn't want to. Damn how I didn't want to. 

"You can sleep here in the house. The room next to mine there and the one at the end of the hall are empty." Instead of answering I just placed her on her feet and moved into the room next door. Let's just hope I could force myself to stay put.

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