24. Decisions

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We found the car abandoned close by with a note. Vega had Cade and there was only one way he was giving him back. He wanted Haven.
"I have to." "No! We've discussed this Haven. You can't hand yourself over to the cartel. He'll kill the both of you and we'll have no leverage over Vega. You are the only reason he hasn't killed Cade. He's using him as bait."

It had been two days and I was surprised I'd held her from acting on any insane plans before now. "It doesn't matter. I just need him back," she cried. " I know baby. I know."
It took everything I had to not act out and ram the gates with guns and heavy arsenal. Cade had become mine too just like Haven. Melody and hell even Punchy too. They were my family as much as Lucy, as much as my brothers at DB.

"We'll get him back. I Promise." Instead of answering she dropped her head back down into my lap and closed her eyes. She wasn't sleeping and when she did it was nightmares. Sometimes she screamed her sisters name other times it was for Cade. I was close to breaking. I wanted to kill the fucker so bad I could taste it.

"Come on baby," I said picking her up into my arms, "You need to sleep. Let's try to get some sleep for a few hours at least." "Oh god Hazard! Whose making sure he's tucked in? Does he even have a bed? I can't..." I knew she was about to go into a full blown panic attack so I did the only thing I knew to do. I kissed her hard, not to distract her because God knows there was no getting away from it, but to ground her. This was the only comfort I was really any good at.

Gently she pulled back no longer in full panic mode. "Come on baby girl. Let's go lay down."  Fuck. I could feel her slipping away from me, and damn if there wasn't anything I could do.


I  knew this was probably the last night I had with him. Once I turned myself over to Vega I doubted He'd keep me alive very long. But if I could save Cade then it would be worth it. I knew the minute he was asleep that I had to make my move tonight. I had no doubt Vega would harm Cade if I made him wait any longer. He had no morals where normal people would have held back.

I took one last look at Hazard. Allowing myself a small moment of what could have beens if I was someone else. If I didn't have a past full of heartbreak and lunatics. Though if I was honest with myself the old me probably would have never allowed myself to be with someone like Hazard. I was too self absorbed and dedicated to becoming a doctor to allow myself to look anywhere else. My experiences in life may have been shitty but they also molded me into someone else. Someone stronger. Someone who knew love and family was the most important things in life. Cade was family. He may have not been born mine but in so many ways he reminded me of Sasha. Of what I'd lost.

I made my way downstairs. I didn't leave a note. Hazard would know. "You know, cupcake," a voice sneered from behind me, "Although I'm sure my orders say to stop you...I think I'll just let this one play out."  Hog. "Then why make any comment at all? How does it effect you?" "Because once you leave poor ole love struck Hazard will be running into saving you without a second thought and get himself offed by the cartel. Then of course I'll take over. I just can't wait to watch it all go down." "Hazards a lot smarter than you think. He's not going to risk his position for anyone." "We'll see won't we. Well...you won't once Vega has his hands on you. Lucky bastard."

I couldn't hear anymore. I simply turned and walked out. Hazard loved his club and he wouldn't jeopardize that. We may have been sleeping together but that didn't mean his feelings for me would cause him to act irrationally. I walked outside the gates...no one suspiciously keeping watch would surprised me. Maybe Hog did have more friends on his side than Hazard realized.

I knew it wouldn't take long though. I exited the property and made it about three blocks before a sleek black car with tinted windows pulled up beside me. They'd been watching and waiting. The man who exited the vehicle didn't say a word just opened the door and stood beside it waiting for me to enter. The guns on both hips were a silent warning in case I second guessed myself.

I didn't. I entered the car and patiently waited to be taken to the devil.

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