10.Meet my mother

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"For fucks sake. PUNCHY!" Damn it trying to hold these two from each other was impossible. I took an elbow to the cheek...again and kept yelling at the both of them. Apparently neither was in a listening mood. 

Finally reinforcements arrived in the form of Punchy and a hobbling Rigs. Punchy grabbed Mom and held her up off of the ground, while I took another elbow, and hauled Haven backwards. I wrapped my arms around her trapping her within and went straight to the ground. There we sat both heaving with exertion. 

"Are you two fucking finished??" 

Haven struggled some more in my arms. I looked over to see my mom looking a hot mess and doing the same to Punchy. He didn't move just let her tire herself out. 

"Just how many men are you screwing? I'm sure three isn't your daily quota! That's much too low!" Haven struggled someone. 

"You have hounded me since Day fucking one lady and I'm sick of it. Do you know I had a woman pull a fucking knife on Melody because she thought I ran some underage whore house! I threatened Wag if it ever happened again I would be paying you a visit in return."  

Fuck. That was bad. I was understanding now how much being called a whore bothered Haven. I'm sure knowing the fact that it was my mother spreading the lies and almost getting Melody hurt didn't help any. 

"Calm down Sweets," I whispered into her ear to try and calm her down. 

"My mom may have caused some problems but it's not all her fault. Pops should have just told her. She's rough on the outside but she would never tolerate someone hurting a child." 

I felt her relax a little and take a deep breath. Her jaw was still tense and I could tell her lip had a small cut and the bruise on her jaw was already forming. Mom didn't look any better. She'd have a black eye by the next hour and her nose was bleeding slightly. 

"Listen Mom, let's move this inside and talk like adults. Haven isn't who you think she is. I'll explain as long as you promise to behave, especially with kids inside. She nodded her head slightly. Mom was stubborn and I knew it would kill her to admit she was wrong. I doubt there'd be an apology but she'd make it right regardless. 

"Baby Girl if I let you go will you promise not to go Rambo on me again? I don't think my poor face can take it," I asked. 

She shook her head and made to move. Before she moved I bent down a left a small kiss right behind her ear. 

"If you're a good girl I'll be sure to reward you later," I whispered. I smiled when I saw the shiver work its way through her body. 

Fuck I'm hooked.

I knew I couldn't blame everything on Lucy. It wasn't completely her fault. Wag could have told her but he chose not to. I didn't blame him. My ties to the cartel were dangerous. It wouldn't be right to involve Lucy in that. She was already a target being Wags old lady. 

As we moved into the house I saw Melody and Cade poke their heads around the corner. I'd scold them later about staying in the safe spot. Cade rushed towards me, tears nearly flooding over. 

"You have a ouch."

 "Yes Little Man I guess I do. That's what I get for misbehaving huh?" 

"Does it hurt? Are you going to go to the recovery room like Mr.Rigs and the others?" 

"No Cade. Haven is staying right here. I'll take care of her," Hazard told him. 

"Promise?" Cade questioned with a serious look on his face. 

"I promise," he answered. 

"Well it doesn't look like you did the first time! Maybe you should keep your girlfriends away from here!" The outburst from Melody was unexpected. She was usually a very quite girl but she was also fiercely overprotective of me, Cade and Punchy. 

Before I could interject and correct her Hazard bent down before them both. "I know and I'm very sorry for that. I promise you both ill make sure nothing happens to her again."  

"I'm fine I assure you. Now you two run along with Punchy and see to your chores. Melody we will talk later understand?" Melody shook her head and the three of them disappeared out the door. 

Calmly, for the moment, everyone took a seat in the living room. There was awkward silence for a few minutes before I decided what the hell may as well get this over with. 

"I'm Haven. I met Wag four years ago. He and the Mezas helped me set up this place. He had some banged up bikers that needed medical care and I needed a place to go and refused to take it without doing something in return. He gave me a purpose and other than telling you that nothing inappropriate has ever happened between myself and Wag that's all you're getting on our relationship. He talked about you both often. His family was the most important thing to him." 

"So why didn't he tell me? Why hide you away like some secretive lover and drop everything to rush to your side?" Lucy asked with a tone that showed her frustration. I couldn't imagine how she felt. But the thought of Hazard.....better cut that out right now. I didn't know him well enough to start daydreaming about some kind of future I would never be able to have.

 "I talked to Wag from a secure line once every six months. The only time I ever called other than that was if someone from his club was here. Or if there was some random woman on my doorstep threatening my family. My contact with him outside of him visiting here was minimal." 

"Why?" This time Hazard asked the question, "What is so dangerous that he felt he needed to hide the truth from us?" 

Shit. I couldn't tell him about the cartel connection. Not in front of his mother at least. 

"There are things you don't know and will never know about some of the people that I've helped here and the things they were involved in. Things I can't say."  I could see Hazards jaw tense. He didn't like that answer. 

"Well.  Then I guess that's settled. I've had a long drive and my face hurts so if you can direct me to a room and a bag of frozen peas I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow."  Seriously? No other objections or accusations? No apology? I looked over at Hazard to see him hiding a smile. 

"I'll show you where to lay down Ma." 

"Don't you move Sweetheart. I'm not finished with you," he said in that husky low voice. The tone made me tremble and squeeze my legs together. 

Damn I couldn't tell if it was fear from him being mad or excitement that he might punish me....fuck why did I want to be punished?

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