25. The Devil

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I had no clue where the house was located. This compound was not the same as the one I'd escaped from. It was smaller but in no means any less extravagant. The man beside me never said a word to me during the 20 minute drive which was fine by me. I had no interest in conversation.

I exited the car and was motioned through the door before I had enough time to evaluate the landscape. In the foyer maids and employees moved around never once looking up to see who entered. My travel partner pushed me down the hall towards a closed door. He swiftly knocked and then entered the room finally taking a hold of my arm and pulling me through. Which is when I came face to face with the devil himself.

"Ah. If it isn't my missing esposa finally come home." I couldn't speak. My entire being was terrified. The strength I had found in my decision to come here and face him was instantly lost with the memories of what I had once endured. Every ugly whisper that I once listened to, whispers his actions caused, came swelling back up.

In a sheer moment of panic by body readied itself to run...escape. But the small body in the corner jolted me back to reality. Cade. My reason for coming back here. My strength. Looking at him not only reminded me of Sasha it now reminded me of Hazard and all the memories we had made together in the last few months. Hazard, who wanted me regardless of what the whispers told me.

I lifted my head up to face the devil and look him in the eye, To show him he may have broken me once but he couldn't do it anymore. Regardless of what he did to me now I knew I would never break again.

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