1. The Will

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  The table was quiet. Not something that usually occurred. Normally Burn would be cracking jokes at Hog, and Jack and Mack would be smacking him for it. Pops would be sitting at the head in his orthopedic chair everyone liked to tease him about, lighting a cigar he told Mom he'd given up for good.  Things change though. Sometimes more than fast in our lifestyle. Now I was sitting at the head in the orthopedic chair and no one was in a joking mood. 

The suit to my left looked out of place among the rest of us. His tie standing out against our cuts. His sharply groomed face in a sea of hard worn scars and wrinkles. His constant fiddling with his pen gave away his nerves. He looked like a scared rabbit ready to run at the first sight of noise. Good. Everyone else sitting at the table was tense for other reasons. He cleared his throat and started to speak, "I'm sorry that it's under these circumstances that we are all here. Mr. ...." 

"Just get to it already Briefcase," Tech growled. The man gave a quick nod of his head and shuffled some more of his papers. He had been in our service after dad picked up his gambling debts three years ago from a branch club. He was still jumpy around us all which was good. The day he quit being nervous was the day he would be cut loose. People who got comfortable often got lazy and that was dangerous. "Yes, well then, I'll just read the will. Mr. Wagner left the club and operations to his son. He's named him head of everything for the most part. There are a few others named.  His wife Lucy will retain her house and position until you are married which is custom from what Mr.Wagner explained." 

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. The old man had been gone a week now and I'd taken over  as head but now it was official and without contest from anyone. No one could say anything otherwise unless a vote was held to overthrow me. We didn't vote like some of the other MC's did. We honored our heritage and we honored our blood line but the President could name who he chose for his successor if I hadn't been fit. Thankfully thought,  I was now the Prez of the MC. Devils Blood was under my leadership. Now at ease, I ignored the rest of the will. Everything else would be the little stuff Pops would do to pay tribute to the club members for their service under him. 

"Oh and one more thing. Although Mr. Wagner had no other children he does have one of his properties which he leaves to a Ms.Haven Woodard. All 300 acres of the location, which I need to note he  doesn't wish to be revealed to anyone, will be signed over to her. He also provided a monthly allowance in the past but as he didn't necessarily stipulate that into his will that will be left to the discretion of his son. Should you wish to resume this I will give you further instruction. The process is... " 

As if on cue, my mother pushes away from the table, her blue eyes burning as red as the hair on her head. "His WHORE? He left 300 acres to his whore? How in hell could he do this to me? No way in hell does she deserve anything of his estate. Apparently I had to share his penis enough while he was alive! Why should she be entitled to anything else. " 

I quickly  pulled her into my arms and try to calm her.  After being married to my father for 42 years she was taking his death hard. She'd never been an angel but she wasn't always so cold. Fuck I was more worried about her shooting  the damn lawyer if something wasn't done to intervene. "Look there must be some kind of mistake. No way in hell will this happen." 

"I'm sorry sir but this is what he wanted. You don't have to allow an allowance. I will write to Ms.Woodard myself and notify her of your wishes."  Mom practically had him by the throat when she heard that. "So you have her damn address? I want it! I want to talk to her!" 

I was sure mom wanted more than to just talk with this woman. Her plan probably included several weapons and some gasoline. For years it had been a sore subject between my parents who were normally pretty happy. It was hard to imagine that my father even had a whore since he didn't seem to have one anywhere else along his routes. That's part of what bothered Mom most. This Haven was no club whore and she knew it. No, Pops had put her up at some unknown location and went to visit her for weeks at a time sometimes. It just proved to mess with Moms head. Life would be hell for the week or so after he returned.  

"I..I..I.. Mr.Wagner was insistent no information on Ms.Woodards location be disclosed to anyone. Legally I can't tell you anything." Thats it. I could practically feel my mother reach for the shotgun under the table. "Gentleman please give me a moment with briefcase here." They all gave me a slight nod, affirming my position as their leader. I waited until all the men had left the meeting room before dismissing Mom. 

"You too Please." Anger flashed through her eyes but she knew to disobey her son now would be a blatant sign of disrespect and could be a costly error for both of us. She left, but I could tell she wasn't happy about it and would probably  let me know about it sooner rather than later. When we were finally alone I slide my knife from my side pocket and laid it on the long cedar table in front of the lawyer. His eyes went wide. I unstrapped my gun from the holster hidden on my back and laid it next to the knife, never looking away from the terrified look at the poor mans face. This could be simple or it could be difficult. 

"Look. You have the next 5 seconds to get me an address of the property and the background info of my fathers...friend....before I get to choosing which one to hurt you with first." 

He was writing before I finished the sentence.

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