11. Run for your Life

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*Caution It's about to get a lot more steamy! So basically not for the under aged!

I had successfully avoided being alone with Hazard for the last few days. His mothers presence aided me immensely. That would come to an end soon though as his mother would be headed back home at the end of the week. Her stay had been extended after her car had some mechanical problems all of a sudden. Hazard called in an escort and some of his brothers would be here in a few days to tow the car home and give Lucy a lift home. I hadn't asked but I assumed Hazard would be joining them. A few of the women we rescued had left although there were a few who still stayed. I'd need to help them make plans. Normally the Mezas would set them up with jobs if they had any vacancies. I didn't want to rush anyone but the more people that were held here for a period of time the risker things became. I stood up and stretched. Working the garden was one of my favorite things to do. It was rewarding work, eating what you spent hours tilling and caring for. It was also therapeutic. I rolled my neck, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Calling on the yoga skills I once had. I slowly bent at the waist and reached towards my toes, grabbing my ankles and pulling myself tighter against my legs and stretching my back. The deep husky growl behind me had me nearly toppling over. "Jeezus. You scared the day lights out of me Hazard! What if I carried a gun or something?" He didn't speak,  just continued to stare at me. There was only one word to describe the look on his face. Hungry. I felt the shiver work its way through me. "Well?" I growled at him. I was frustrated but was completely at fault for that. I had no doubt had I begged that Hazard would have obliged. "You've been avoiding me Cupcake. Don't think I can't see that." Shit. "I haven't. Your mothers been here and I've got two kids and a lot of others I'm responsible for. It would be highly inappropriate to...to..." "To what baby girl? Can't say it?" "To get....close with you. You'll be leaving anyways so what good would it do me?" He stalked towards me slowly, like the predator he was. "You really can't even say it can you?" "Say what?" I asked taking a step back. "That you're about to scream you're so frustrated. That you're silently praying I'll yank you down right here and release some of the tension. On all fours with nothing to hold onto but the dirt." I couldn't respond. Probably because he was right. I was so damn hot I felt like I was on fire. I didn't notice him move towards me but the minute his body pressed against mine I melted. Hazard caught me on the way down but instead of holding me up he gently laid me on the ground. "Please," I said, nearly incoherent from need at this point. What happened to the ice queen I couldn't say. Then he was there, covering my body with his. I arched up into him, desperately needing the contact. At some point I had decided that there was no use in fighting the attraction I had to him. It was past time I allowed myself to get close with a man and my body was craving this one something fierce. "Sweetheart," he grumbled. His hands were everywhere, all at once it seemed. He shoved my flimsy tank top up and latched on to my left breast like it was his last meal. My hips bucked against his, searching. "Damn it if you don't even taste like peaches. I could play with these all day," he said as he drew a line with his tongue from one nipple to the other. Fuck that felt good. "Hazard. I need to..." "Shhh. Calm down baby girl I gotcha." His hands slid into my cutoffs with quick efficiency. It didn't take much. Two brushes of his fingers against my hot core and I was a goner. His mouth met mine right as I went overboard, smothering the sound of my cries. I opened my eyes not realizing I had closed them and met his gaze. Hungry, and for a sheer moment I panicked. But there was something softer behind that look too. Hazard was in complete control of his desires, patiently waiting although not by much it seemed. "Say the words baby girl," he practically growled. "Hazard..."
The blaring of the alarms started to echo into the yard. "Fuck Sweets if we don't get interrupted at the worse times."  "Hazard! The kids, Lucy! We have to go somethings wrong." "Shit." 

Melody's scared face met us at the back door as I followed Haven inside. "What is it?" "There coming in from everywhere. The wires are tripped on the south and east side and they're coming in really fast. What do we do? It's him isn't it? He's found us!" It was clear that Melody was about to have a melt down and glancing over to Haven she was just as close.  "Any flags Melody?" She shook her head. "Where's Cade? Melody! Look at me. I need you to find my mom and Cade and get inside the safe zone. Don't wait head right to the end and get out. Lucy will help you." She shook her head but didn't move. "Melody. Go now. We'll be right behind you." Fuck. Haven still hadn't moved staring at the screen intently. "Haven?" "We don't have enough time. They're coming too fast. Take the kids and go. They won't follow you. It me there after." "Fuck that.  Get yourself to the damn safe zone now." She stood shaking her head. She was nearly in shock. Couldn't let that happen. I snatched her away from the screen and kissed her...hard. He eyes were a little clearer as I pulled back. "Hazard?" "Let's clear something up now. I don't know who the hell wants you but they'll go through me first. You're mine cupcake. The only place you're going is into the damn safe room with the kids and getting the hell out of here. Punchy came through the door Rig hobbling behind.. "Punchy take Haven. Get them to safety. Don't wait down there. Get out as quick as you can. The longer you wait the longer they have to find a way in." He nodded and picked Haven up and slung her over his shoulder. That seemed to snap her back to life. "Fuck that! Punchy put me down!" I shook my head and in a scary moment of clarity Punchy shook his head acknowledging he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. "Hazard, the outer house has already been evacuated. We got everyone there. But we still need a distraction," Rigs said. "Shit. Go with them and have Lucy call Dante to meet you. I'll create the distraction." Haven screamed as everyone started moving. "Hell no! You're coming too! No one stays behind!" I quickly kissed her, still slung over Punchy's back. "Go sweets. Take care of my mom. I'll be there soon." I quickly shut the door to the wall, muffling any sounds of argument. She was safe and now I could get to work. I just hoped I survived it.

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