Chapter Five - Scottish Beauty

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Chapter Five


Andrew, his brothers and Da were just sitting down to break their fast when Emma descended the stairs into the great hall.   Once again, she was another vision of loveliness.  Andrew noticed that she was wearing another one of his Mother’s gowns, this time it was one of her day gowns.   It was light blue in colour, plain and simple, but it suited Emma perfectly.

Andrew decided that he was going to be the first to greet Emma and raced over to the bottom of the stairs.   Extending his hand, he helped her down the last three steps.   Once they made eye contact, the spell could not be broken.

Turning Emma so that she was shielded by his broad shoulders against peering eyes, Andrew took her hand and kissed the pulse on her wrist.   It was racing just as fast as he suspected.  

Could she see how fast his heart was beating? 

 “Ye are most beautiful this morn Emma,” Andrew whispered to her, never once breaking eye contact.

Blushing, but her too, never breaking eye contact with Andrew, “And ye are most handsome Andrew,” Emma told him with a sexy but innocent smile.   Taking her hand and putting into the crook of his arm, he escorted her to the high table.

They ate in silence, but the spell between Andrew and Emma continued.   Their eyes connected frequently and silently they told each other what the other was feeling. 

Robert was the first to break the silence, “Emma, did you wish to pick heather this morn or after midday meal?” he asked her spooning some coddle eggs into his mouth.


“Emma,” he called her again.

“Did ye say something Robert,” she finally said turning to him, breaking her eye contact with Andrew.

“The heather, would you like to go this morn or perhaps later on?” Robert asked her again.

“Oh, I had forgotten Robert, this morn would be lovely.  Thank you,” Emma told him politely.

“Are ye alright Emma?” Angus asked her now.  “Ye look a bit flushed.”

“Aye Angus, I am well.    Do you know if there are any jugs for me to place the heather in?” she asked.

“Aye, there should be some in the storage rooms.  I will get one of the lads to take some out for ye,” Angus told as he smiled.

Angus turned towards Ian and Andrew,”Andrew, do you train the men this morn?” he asked, biting into a piece of bread.

“Aye, they grow a bit slack.  Ian and I will train this morn,” Andrew replied taking a sip of his ale.

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