Chapter Eighteen - Scottish Beauty

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Chapter Eighteen

Her scream could be heard all the way to the castle.  The sentries became alert, the clansmen in the hall awaiting the evening meal all leapt from their seats, swords in hands.   The four McKenna's also leapt to their feet............."What was that?" asked Robert looking at his Da and brothers.

Ian's face paled, he knew it was Emma but before he even knew what he was doing, he took off in a mad dash towards the castle doors.    Grabbing a torch from a wall bracket, he flew out of the castle, his Da and brother's hot on his heels as he ran towards the stable.

The stable door already open, a horse waiting off to the side to be cooled down and stabled.   Illuminating one row of the stalls, he saw nothing to be concerned about, but when he illuminated the other row of stalls, that's when he saw them.   Emma lying motionless in a cloaked figured arms.   The stranger was lightly patting her cheek and mumbling to her..."wake up lass, wake up lass."     Ian knew that voice but before he could shout out to make his presence known, he heard the growl behind him and knew that Andrew saw what he saw.

Andrew charged before Ian could stop him.   Placing the torch in a bracket, Ian chased after Andrew.    He couldn't reach him in time and before Ian could warn Andrew, he threw the first punch.   From the impact, the stranger let Emma go and started to defend himself.   

"Andrew..............cease........tis Grant................," Ian shouted as he tried to pull Andrew off his brother, but Ian wasn't strong enough and Andrew was a force to be reckoned with when he was angry.   Andrew wasn't hearing any of it, he had a rage in his eyes and nothing was going to stop him.

Robert seeing the hooded cloak fall off of the strangers head also saw that it was Grant.    "Jesu........" Robert hissed....."He's going to kill him!" And Robert took off now to help the situation out.   Grasping Andrew by the shoulders, he was just as broad and just as strong as Andrew was and he pulled him off of Grant.

Shaking Andrew's shoulders and hissing in his ears........."Tis Grant Andrew...............cease!"  Robert could tell that Andrew finally had heard him, he stopped struggling, his eyes were refocusing, taking in the scene around them.   Ian was holding Grant back, Robert still had his hands on Andrew's shoulders holding him back as well.    All four brother's chests were heaving from breathing so hard.   Grant had a bloodied lip and a swollen jaw.

 A soft moan could be heard and then all eyes were on Emma as her eyes started to flutter open.   "Och.....Emma!" Andrew cried and went to pull her into his arms and cradling her against his chest.   He was rocking her now, placing kisses on her face, telling her how much he loved her.   He was sobbing, gone was the fierce protector, now came the loving frightened husband.

Robert stood up now, helped Grant to his feet and he motioned for this two brothers to leave Emma and Andrew alone, to give them some privacy.

Angus was at the door, his scowl fierce.    "Ye could have sent a messenger ahead of time to let us know that ye were arriving." Angus spat at his son.    "Tis no the way I wanted ye to meet Emma.  What did ye do to her?"

"Och.....Da tis been two days I've been riding hard..........dinna scorn me so for frightening the lass." Grant protested.    "I dinna know twas her here in the stables, I heard a noise, like someone speaking and came down to see."

"Go on," Angus demanded, his anger still not gone.

"Och....well when she stepped out of the stall, she saw me and screamed.   I just tried to cease her scream and placed my hand over her mouth.   Tis when she swooned."   Grant tried to justify his actions, telling the truth was always the right choice.

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