Chapter Nine - Scottish Beauty

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Chapter Nine

As Emma descended the stairs the next morn, she was hoping to see that their guest had departed, but unfortunately he was still seated at the high table with Angus, Andrew and Robert.   Ian was nowhere to be seen.  It was too late to turn back around and head back to her chamber, for all four of them had seen her now.

As she walked towards them, Angus rose from his seat and walked over to greet her.   “How are ye faring this morn Emma?” he asked her in a soft voice as he took her arm and escorted her to the table.

“Very well Angus, thank ye for asking,” Emma replied nervously.   Colin was staring at her very intently and it was sending shivers down her spine, but not in a good way.   She looked at the seating and refused to sit on the empty stool next to Colin.   Sensing her distress, Robert stood up and offered his stool next to Andrew for her to sit.   “Lady Emma, ye may take my seat while I go to the kitchens and ask for some fresh coddle eggs for ye,” Robert told her as he helped her sit and then walked off towards the kitchens.

Her stomach was in knots, there was no way that she was going to be able to eat anything.   Colin would not stop staring at her and it was starting to unnerve her.    To be polite, she picked up some bread and spread some honey onto it and took a small bite.  She was barely able to chew the small piece in her mouth her stomach was rolling with uneasiness.

Robert placed some fresh eggs onto her trencher and then went to take the seat next to Andrew.    “When are ye leaving?” Robert asked Colin none to politely either.  Emma was visibly upset, she was barely eating and Robert wanted their guest gone.

Finally turning his attention to someone other than Emma, Colin took a long sip of his ale and replied to Robert.   “My men and I will leave shortly.  ‘Tis only a half day’s ride to the Fraser’s from here.  We will be able to arrive there just after midday.”

“Eat lass,” Andrew whispered to Emma as he watched her push her food around her trencher and not take a bite.   

“I’m not hungry Andrew,” she replied with a shaky voice, not looking at him.

“Did ye not sleep well last night Emma?” Colin asked her with a sneer.   He was staring at her again, a smirk on his face that Andrew wanted to wipe off with a swift punch to his jaw.  Colin was enjoying this, Emma was upset with his presence, yet he was doing nothing but stare at her.

Hearing his question, Emma looked over at Andrew, who’s hands were now clenched into fists at his sides, he was about to rise from his stool when Robert put his hand on Andrew’s arm to steady him.   He was silently telling Andrew not to let Colin get to him.   Colin was goading Andrew and Robert wasn’t going to let his brother attack their guest without more of a cause.

“I’m sure that she slept very well last night, didn’t you Emma?” Robert asked her in a soft tone and never once taking his eyes off of Colin who was still looking very smugly.

Angus was getting furious now, that question Colin asked Emma was personal, almost as if he knew where she slept last night.  Like he was insinuating that she was a whore.    Angus had had enough.

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