Chapter Twenty-Two - Scottish Beauty

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Donald quickly stepped forward to catch his wife before she crumbled to the floor from the news that Gavin had just given him.   His mind was swimming with emotions.  Alive!   Emma was alive, but living in the Highlands?

Lady Campbell was in a full on swoon from the news that she just received.  Donald cradled his wife's limp form to his chest and mustered up his voice to ask Gavin where he had heard such news.

"Gavin," Donald croaked out.  "Tis truth?"  His eyes were getting misty with thoughts of his beloved Emma.

"Aye Laird," Gavin replied looking around, noticing that all eyes were on them.  "Perhaps we should adjourn to your solar Sir."

Lady Evelyn came forward now and placed her hand on Gavin's arm..."Aye Papa, let's go speak in the solar.   Mama should lie down." Evelyn said softly, her voice hoarse with emotion as well.

Nodding in agreement, Donald stood and carried his wife out of the hall with his daughter's and Gavin following close behind.   Once they entered the solar, Donald place his wife on the settee while Elise tended to her Mother.

"Gavin," Donald said as he started to pace the room..."Please tell me all that you know."

"Twas a visitor at Castle MacGregor," Gavin started to tell Donald.  "When I arrived home several hours ago.    Tis Laird Cameron, do ye know of him Sir?"  Gavin asked Donald.

"Aye," Donald nodded to Gavin.   "I met him at court several years ago.   His castle is further North from here, but still considered in the Lowlands."

"Och well......" Gavin continued...."Laird Cameron tis a good friend of my Da and when I joined them for midday meal, they were discussing a lass found in the Highlands."  Gavin swallowed now for the news he was about to share wasn't something a Father ever wanted to hear about his child.   "Tis said that she was beaten and raped."

"Nae!" screamed Lady Campbell when she heard the news about her daughter.   Gavin didn't realize that she had come out of her swoon otherwise he would have quietly told that bit of information to Donald only.

Both daughters were hugging their Mother now, sobbing with her.   Donald had turned his back to Gavin now, he stared out the window, clearly upset, wiping his own eyes, not wanting Gavin to see his weakness.  His weakness didn't last long it quickly turned into fury and he abruptly spun around to face Gavin once again.

"Who was it Gavin that dishonoured my daughter?" Donald demanded of him, clutching his fists at his sides, his jaw locked in anger.

"Laird Cameron dinna know Sir," Gavin shifted on his feet.  Donald looked as though he was going to unsheathe his sword and kill the next person that got in his way.

Stepping closer to Gavin now Donald's chest was heaving..........."What else did Laird Cameron say?  Ye are sure tis Emma they speak of?"

"Aye.....the lass tis Emma, twas your plaid she was found with, her name embroidered on the corner."  Gavin looked at Donald as he told him this, Donald knowing that was the truth, it was definitely his Emma.   Donald just nodded to Gavin to continue.   "Ah....well he said that Emma was hail, that she was living with Clan McKenna," Gavin told Donald, but took a step back for his father-in-law-to-be looked like he was going to explode.

"Living with Clan McKenna!" Donald shouted, shaking his head in dismay.  "It dinna make sense, she has a home."   He looked at Gavin once more hoping that he would have more answers for him.

"Tis all I know Laird," Gavin told Donald, his voice shaky.   "Laird Cameron said the rumours were being spread throughout the Highlands being passed on from clan to clan."

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