First Impressions

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Sneak Peak!!!! >>>>>>>> Thats what one of Claudia's Outfits will be at The Victoria Secret Show will be , for the Enchanted Forest theme

First Impressions

I woke the next morning, with a nervous feeling in my tummy, getting out of bed, I dragged my body over to the shower. Being as quick as possible, I knew it would be tough getting the boys up , so I'd need as much time as I could get. I pulled on a light cream dress, I wouldn't be wearing it much today anyway, so I needed something easy. I threw my hair up and didn't put make up on, I slipped on some white Havavianas. I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed my breakfast shake. I turned to see 5 boys dressed in smart clothes and ready to go. Well thats a shock. "Your up?" It came out a little more confused then I intended while I took another sip.

"I couldn't sleep this morning, once Cara left for rehearsal , so I got the boys up" Harry explained, messing with his curly hair every two seconds, that was normal but he was doing it a lot more then usual. I grabbed his hand before he could tweak it again. "Harry, please stop, everything will be fine." I insisted, He nodded taking a seat at the breakfast bar. "Why are we home so early?" Zayn complained. "How'd you get him up so early" I retorted smirking. Everyone knows Zayn can sleep through anything I really don't want to know how they got him up. He shot me a tired death glare before stealing my drink, and taking a sip. "What is this stuff?" He said not complaining but not completely liking it.

"My shake I have to drink before a shoot?" I half questioned, stealing it back. "Harry, I'm so confused! I thought we were going to a shoot today? And it wasn't till later?" Louis whined pretty much slamming his head on the counter. Well no surprise there, but it's usually Niall that doesn't know whats going on. "Wait, what, whats going on?" Niall exclaimed. Oopps spoken to soon. "We are, we just have to go discuss matters with the board, and Claudia is going to her own photo shoot." Harry explained slowly, they all shot up, no longer tired. "What did Lou do this time?" Liam asked, making me laugh and almost spitting out my drink. "Hay, I didn't do anything!" He whined in shock. "No, it was me this time." I assured them, Louis shot me an evil look. "Looks like your not such an angel after all" He winked, and no-one but Harry and I got it.

"Was that meant to be some personal joke?" Niall asked for all three of them. I rolled my eyes, taking the last sip and refilling it. "Yes, it was, and I'll explain on the way, we have to go" I said ushering them all out. There was a car waiting for us all down stairs, I waited as the boys followed slowly behind, it was only 7 in the morning so I understand their tired after the show. I hoped in with everyone following behind, I was sat next to Louis, then him next to Harry, then Liam, Zayn and Niall last as he left his doritos behind.....

The car took off and we sat in silence for a while before Zayn spoke up, trying to defuse the tension in the car. I wasn't really paying attention, just staring out the window thinking, when I felt Louis nudge me then whisper in my ear. "Alight love" I turned to them smiling "Mm did you say something?" I asked quietly. "Why are you an angel? Or longer one as Louis seems to think" Liam repeated for me.

"Oh I'm a Victoria Secret Angel" I said cooly. The boys all stared at me wide eyed and gasping, well except Harry and Louis of course. "I knew I had seen you somewhere before!" Zayn exclaimed happily, we all gave him confused and worried looks. "Why were you watching Victoria Secret?" I asked him, with a very worried look on my face. "With my girlfriend, Perrie..... And plus I was watching Miranda Kerr, now she is hot!" He exclaimed the boys all laughing. "I'll have to tell her that.." I said casually, getting out the car.

I heard all "Can we meet her's" From the car but I paid no attention. Walking into the building I stayed strong. Everything will be fine. The boys finally caught up and I showed them to the conference room. "Come on" I beckoned opening the door, I strutted through and sat next to Simon, Louis next to me and Harry next to him. While the rest of the boys sat on the other side next to Dad. "Claudia, my dear, don't let this get to you, it will be fine, plus you have a shoot today you can't let this distract you" He whispered slightly sensing my discomfort.

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