Chapter One

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Could I ever get a day off? Maybe thousands or even hundreds of people are thinking this simple question, but why is Tara thinking it? Yeah, maybe Tara Winston had an easy- going job to some, but all she wanted to do was leave and sleep. Working at the college radio station was not a walk in the park as locals thought.

At the age of 19, Tara had just snagged the last spot at the KXOU college radio station. Tara couldnt believe how difficult it was just to apply to the simple job. She just needed money to help pay tuition and other important supplies for The University of Michigan. Life was glorious, filled with college parties and random hook-ups. Those were definitely the golden days. But the money problems, work, and studying wasnt very enjoyable. Sure, Tara was a 4.0 GPA student since she stepped foot into a school, but that didnt mean that it wasnt stressful. She just didnt want college to consume her entire life, so she got the job.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"It's Currently, 11:49 a.m. on a lovely Tuesday morning, and you know what I am doing? Studying. Isn't studying always fun, Sam?" Tara called out to her roommate, Sam, lying on her twin sized bed across the room.

Sam looked her way and gave a smug smile, suggesting to Tara that she didnt give a shit. Tara rolled her eyes and turned her gaze back to the various types of flashcards. She had so many tests she couldnt even remember how many. When is enough, enough?

Taras mind was wandering, suddenly. She was starting to grow anxious, a hint of claustrophobia starting to creep its way in. She felt cramped in this dorm. Fresh air would be very nice, a privilege even.

"Mhm, Sammy. I'm going to rebel and go outside." She told the other girl, who just hummed in response, while she was pulled into Divergent

Tara's thoughts consumed her while she was sitting in the grass, gazing around. She felt something she really never felt. Maybe, relaxed, calm, even stress free. The way the wind blew in the trees, and the smell of freshly-cut grass, and the small, white flowers that were vastly spread out on the ground- they all calmed her. Just the tiny things nature could make you feel. It's a lot like love. Tara has never been in love. Just, you know, those silly middle school crushes that you got over the second you went home for summer. She couldn't put her eye on someone and commit. There was lots of choices, sure, but has she found hers? Tara always believed she had a soulmate out there. Her mission for finding hers has started forever ago.

She glanced around again, taking in the serene scenery around her. She saw a couple in the distance, walking in the grass, holding hands. They looked happy, yes. Did Tara really want that? Those loving glances, the I love yous, the calming hugs and kisses, the sex, being around a person that you would want to spend your entire life with- she wanted that? Did she even know who she wanted that with? Thoughts jumbled in her head all at once, clouding her vision with moments that she could have.

Suddenly jumping out of the silly thoughts, as if on-queue, she quickly glanced at the little, red watch that wrapped around her left wrist. About an hour has passed since she quickly scrambled out of the dorm. She suddenly felt happy with it, feeling much better than earlier. She heard another sound, but it wasnt very pleasant. It was the grumbling of her stomach, breaking the nice feeling she had. She only had an apple and a café mocha from the college Starbucks, that Sam worked at. Sam even made it for her.

She jumped up on her feet and found her way back to the dorm. Tara took the elevator to the third floor of the building, going about ten feet to room 208. She took the clutch of keys and found the certain one for the door, unlocked it and stepped inside.

"Sam? I am fucking hungry, take me out to lunch!" Tara exclaimed, expecting an excited Sam, jumping at the idea of lunch, but instead, was met with silence. That was pretty. odd.

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