14: Just Revealing

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You need this, because this author decided to develop an irritating case of writer's block: Theo and Cora got obnoxiously drunk one night and got married by accident. They've been through hell and back and back through it again with different antics and their friends. -Insert a bunch of plots that I'm too lazy to write out, sorry- Lana and Cora decide to follow Theo and James to a secret meeting they were having with gangster looking dudes, and they get caught at the end.

Sorry, if you have to reread the story, I kind of recommend it, because I even had to do that to remember everything. I apologize so much for keeping you guys waiting. I hope this makes up for it. Thanks for being patience, and happy reading!! xx Ü


There were only a couple of times I’ve seen Theo really scared. One, when he found out that one time that he might have to move back to his old house wherever that was. Two, when he thought he lost his phone and wallet at one of Billy Peploma’s rager. And three, when he saw our marriage certificate. That wasn’t that many times, so I know what it looks like for him to be scared. And he looked about ready to just drop his boxers in fear right when he caught sight of my face and Lana’s disappearing behind the corner our heads were sticking out from.

A few moments later, a figure appeared out of nowhere, looming over Lana and I. He reached his hand out towards us, but we backed away quickly like he was the plague.

“Touch me and I will fucking light you on fire!” Lana seethed through her teeth at one of Louie’s wingmen who looked like he could probably sit on both of our faces and just crush us to death. My eyes bulged out at her reaction. My hand shot out and pulled her back, so she wouldn’t do anything crazy like bite him or, I don’t know, actually light him on fire.

I knew the lighter she always carried in her back pocket isn’t just for cigarettes.

It didn’t take long for Theodore and James to skid around the corner to see us facing the guy. James took action first, holding out his hands in defense. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s not get too hasty here, Jesús. They are probably just strippers here.”

Inside my ribcage, even though my heart was already pounding a mile a minute and at anytime could just burst out of my body and land right on the ground, I felt a little calm now that James and Theo were here. I mean, yeah, they could’ve looked a little less scared too, but I wasn’t complaining.

“Do you know them?” he growled out.

“Absolutely not. Never seen them once in my life,” James assured, still inching his way towards us a little at a time. He looked at us like we were crazy when he got close enough so his front was out of Jesús’ sight and mouthed WHAT THE FUCK?! I’d imagine he would be screaming that if he actually used his voice. “In fact, they look kinda ugly,” James emphasized.

I stomped on Lana’s foot immediately, because I knew that James would not live to see another second of the day if Lana got to him after he said that. Jesús still looked at us skeptically before he motioned for the bossman to come over. Jesús was turned around to call over his other two buddies.

“Who are these bitches?” Louie questioned Theo and James.

Again, I had to practically tug on Lana’s hair from behind like a dog leash to keep her from lashing out. I was very angry indeed about these guys’ lack of intelligence when it came to gender discrimination, but I wasn’t about to get my throat slit because of it. Lana was a strong independent white woman who don’t need no man, but she was impulsive and if she wasn’t careful, one day she might end up forever alone.

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