Chapter 3

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Soon, the chaotic shopping was done. You got out of the car and Bowser was waiting for you at the doorstep.

"So, how'd it go?" Bowser asked you.

"Great King Dad, I got lots and lots of brand new shoes..." Wendy rambled, as she walked inside the castle.

"Pretty well." You sighed.

"You know you're going to be a great mom, they're just not used to having a mom who wants to spend time with them." He whispered.

"Wait, have you been married before me?" You asked.

"Does it honestly mat-"

"Yes. It does." You frowned.

"Three times." He sighed.

"What! But you're only thirty!" You gasped in shock.

"My first wife was when I was really young. We had Ludwig and then Morton. My second wife was when we had Roy and Wendy. My third wife had Iggy and Lemmy. I gave up and adopted Junior, but I found out it was my third wive's son and I was the father. All of them left me with eight kids for me to take care of. I never planned on getting married, until I met you." He sighed.

"Man, that's harsh." You said, trying to see how old Bowser was when he had gotten married first.

Ludwig is 13... So take thirteen away from 28... Oh! But how old is Morton... 12? 11?

"Fifteen." You blurted, wishing you hadn't.

"Yep." Bowser sighed.

"Wow..." You gasped.

"Almost five years younger that you." He murmured.

"Ludwig is only six years younger than me... What if people thin-" You frowned.

"It's fine, you look like an adult. And you are." Bowser smiled.

"I guess." You sighed.

"Its almost time to go to bed, I'll go check on the kids, you do whatever." Bowser left, and you decided to put your pyjamas on.

Bowser soon came back and lied down beside you, facing away from you.

"Bowser, can you, just...a..."

"What?" He yawned.

"Roll over, please?" You asked.

"Sure, sorry about that." He rolled over, facing you.

"Thanks." You murmured.

"Night." He whispered.

"Night." You yawned.

Bowser rolled over, facing towards you, so you wouldn't get hurt.

* * *

You woke up, all by yourself. You looked over at the digital clock on your nightstand and you had thankfully not slept in the entire day. You shut your door and changed into some clothes. You brushed your tangled bedhead and decided to go look for Bowser. You saw him at the end of the hallway, looking over the ledge. You quietly stood beside him.

"Are you feeling okay today?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess." You replied.

"Great." He smiled.

"Do you miss fighting Mario?" You asked.

"Yes and no. I'm not as tough as I used to be, but now I'm not as hurt and bruised as usual." He sighed.

"What do we have planned for today?" You asked.

"Oh, nothing too exciting. Apart for your crowning ceremony." He smiled.

"That's today?! I completely forgot about that! What should I wear! A queen can't run around in jeans and a tee shirt! I have to go put on my dress!" You ran back to your room.

You rummaged through your wardrobe, looking for something that looked like it was fit for a queen. You tried on several gowns, but none seemed fitting for the occasion. You eventually tried on a gorgeous satin black dress. You gave your makeup a more dramatic feel and quickly brushed your hair. You ran out of your room and ran back to Bowser. You spotted him at the end of the hall waiting for you. You looked down at your feet and realized you still had your flats on.

"I forgot my high heels-"

"It's fine! I can't even see your feet." Bowser cut you off.

"If you say so." You sighed.

"You look beautiful." He smiled.

"Thanks." You smiled, twirling a loose strand of your (colour) hair with your finger.

"Can I talk to you in private?" You nervously asked.

"We kind of are." He pointed out.

You looked around you to make sure nobody was listening or watching. You leaned in and whispered to Bowser.

"I'm pregnant." You whispered.

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