Chapter 35

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Two chapters in one day...?

Why not?!

Bowser and the rescuer began at fight, But Bowser seemed to be going easy on the rescuer for some reason. The thief eventually pulled a sword out of a sheath after missing several punches they had thrown at Bowser. The rescuer slashed the sword into Bowser's shoulder. You gasped in horror as blood dripped onto the floor, surrounding himself in a pool of blood. Tears dripped down your face as you ran over to Bowser.

"Are you going to be okay?" You cried.

"Y-y-yes... I just need-d-d time to h-h-heal..." He said weakly.

You glared as you watched the rescuer lower the cage with a huge grin on their face. They ran over to the cage and slowly began to open the metal door. Dani jumped into her rescuer's arms, hugging them and telling them how much she had missed them.

"Take of that stupid mask, it makes you look ridiculous." Dani teased.

The rescuer sighed, pulling the ski mask off their head. Golden blond locks of wavy hair fell to her back as she removed her mask. It was none other than your own mother, te same girl who you had killed her husband, but you had saved her from suicide. Dani pressed her lips against Peach's and passionately kissed her. Tears dripped down both of their faces.

"I thought I would never see you again." Dani smiled.

"Did you get hurt?" Peach asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine, are you okay?" Dani grinned.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that your okay." Peach laughed.

"I care." Dani reminded.

"Of course you do." Peach teased.

You stared in shock as you watched the two lovers speak to each other. Had Peach seriously moved on so quickly? And didn't this make Dani your step mother?

"I'm so confused, how long have you known each other for?" You asked.

"We've known each other for as long as we can remember." Peach proudly smiled.

"But we only started dating when Haru was kidnapped. Haru was so pissed when he found out that you had moved on and made me leave the mushroom kingdom forever." Dani explained.

"Dani didn't even know anything about you at the time. She just knew that I had a daughter, but I had tried to describe you to her." Peach said.

"We wanted to have you forever as our daughter, but you hated Peach and you were already married and even had kids." Dani sighed.

"But none of that even matters now. We're leaving forever. You're probably never going to see us again." Peach frowned.

She hugged you, and no matter how much you hated this individual, you were just happy that you wouldn't have to deal with her ever again. Bowser!s wound began to heal, only leaving a temporary scar where the blade had cut into his scaled yellow skin. Peach hugged Bowser too, but only because she actually would miss him. It would be hard to remove the paranoia from her thoughts, but the castle was almost like a second home to the princess.

"So this is goodbye." Dani said neutrally, unsure of how to feel in this situation.

"Bye." You said gently.

Dani and Peach waved as the began to leave the fighting chamber, never to be seen ever again. You and Bowser followed them down the seemingly endless stairs, because even kings and queens need their beauty sleep.

The End


Guys, I am honestly out of ideas for this story and I sadly don't enjoy writing it. It just feels like I take hours and hours to write this story, but when I write anything else, it takes me way less time. I am so glad to have been given this much love and support, because it was the only thing that kept me motivated to write. I am deeply sorry an lots of you guys are going to be upset about my decision, and I am sincerely sorry. I hope you guys can understand me.

Thank you!


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