23•Lesson Learned

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Master lay, looking pale and thin on the infirmary bed. Mirajane had just given him his pills and left to go attend Natsu and Gajeel who were horribly bruised and beaten.

I too had accompanied the sick and injured in the infirmary. I didn't have any broken bones, or bruises and gashes anymore, thanks to Porlyusica's tremendous healing skills. But I did feel nauseated, and sleepy too.

I had closed my eyes for just a brief second when the door squeaked open. From where I lay, all I could see was a shadow- of who I assumed was a man- with a sturdy body and short messy hair.

"Laxus," Gramps croaked, sitting up in bed and facing the door. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, pretending to be asleep.

"Hello grandfather," he choked out, seeming to have a difficulty in saying the words. The old man sighed at the 23 year old before him and carefully got off his bed, walking up to his grandson with his arms crossed behind his back.

I knew it wasn't good to eavesdrop and this time I knew it was best to give them their private moment. Because I knew what Gramps was going to do. And I couldn't hear it.

I forced myself to think of different things. Anything but Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe. I thought of chocolates and for some reason Naomi's not so nice (according to me) clothing collection.

However, I couldn't avoid hearing that one line that Gramps said. The one sentence I was waiting for yet hoped he wouldn't say.

"I'm afraid what you have done cannot be pardoned. And so," Gramps swallowed uncomfortably. "You must leave the guild. Fairy Tail will no longer have any ties with you and you won't be considered a member."

"Yes," Laxus said, sounding emotionless. "I know." But I knew better than that. He was out. Just like his father. I guess he finally understood everything. The reason why his father was kicked out and how he did the same things as him and received the same result.

"Get well soon, Grandfather," he mumbled, his footsteps becoming softer with each step he took. "You too, Y/n," he said as he exited. I bit my lip and clenched the sheets in my fists.

"I know what you're thinking," Gramps said with a heavy sigh and sat himself on the bed. "It had to be done."

"He isn't like Ivan!" I argued, aiming for a yell but it ended up coming out as a whisper. "I know. He just lost his way," he fell back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

I didn't say anything. It was already tough enough for Gramps and I would just add to the pressure. So I silently stepped out of the infirmary door and walked up to the second floor.

Not many people were on top. Everyone was down at the bar discussing about the battle of Fairy Tail. I couldn't see the Thunder God Tribe anywhere.

I stood in front of the balcony doors. It was dusty up here as not many people spent time on the S-class level. It was always empty and since the bar and restaurant were down there was no apparent reason to come up here. Except maybe if you were seeking for silence.

I took a seat by the railings on top, through which the lower levels could be seen. I saw familiar pink hair and blonde hair and then my eyes fell on a certain crimson haired mage who dug into her cake like a hungry predator. It wasn't a slice, but a whole cake. Strawberry, for sure.

I didn't feel the presence that entered the room but noticed a thump beside me as they sat. "I'm so not gonna miss this," he scoffed, his right arm carrying the weight of his upper body.

"Yeah, I know," I mumbled, not exactly in the mood for jokes. How could he be so calm. I would be sobbing below some tree if I ever got kicked out of Fairy Tail (or left it for some reason).

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