Chapter Forty-Six (Cami)

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The door collapses open, and I see North stumble in. He falls to his knees and grunts in pain. He covers his abdomen with his hand, but red liquid soaks through the façade.

Gasping, I lunge over to help him stand. He doesn't protest as I help him navigate through the housed. After a long time, we make it up the stairs, and into his room.

He collapses face first into his bed and groans. I help him turn over on his back.

"North!" I murmur, betraying my vow to only call him 'master'. He doesn't punish me with words or the use of his powers, he physically can't. Taking a wet cloth, I dab the corners of North's mouth, clearing them of blood. "How are you still alive?"

North grits his teeth, and spits venom. "By healing myself, you idiotic human!"

I rush out of the room shouting. "Don't worry Master, I'll get you situated in no time!"

"No," North croaks. "Don't you dare help me! Don't you dare ruin my plan!"

He can't stop me. I know, and it seems impossible for a human like me to stop his plans, but I have to try.

I rush downstairs, skipping steps as I go. My usual fatigue is replaced by adrenaline and tension. In a flash, I get a glass of water, and towels. Reaching under the kitchen sink, I feel around for bandages. When I find none, I shout angrily. North got rid of my bandages! He planned ahead!

Shrugging at what I have, I carry the things I have and bound up the stairs. Before I reach the foot of the stairs, I bump into Simon.

"Cami?" He asks.

I don't have time to deal with Sye, unfortunately. Muttering a quick apology, I navigate around him and up to North's room.

Throwing the door open, I rush forward. "Why did you get rid of my bandages, North?"

"You know why!" North barks, thrashing angrily. "You know what I want! You are preventing me from doing what I want!"

I douse the towel with water and reach forward to North's open wound. "Hold still!" I warn.

North pulls up the sheet above his wound, and growls. I grab the sheet and try to yank it back, but North knocks the towels out my hand. He hisses, clutching his sheet like a piece of candy given to a child.

He's getting pale, my hands shake. He's dying. He's winning.

North laughs an evil laugh, which becomes a fit of coughs. Sye makes it to the master's room without hearing the laughter.

"Father?" Simon questions softly to himself, and anybody who is willing to hear. "Are you sick?"

I extend a hand and try to explain, but North interrupts. "Simon, my boy, come here."

Sye obliges, and I am forced to watch. There is nothing more I can do.

Sye gnaws his lower lip. "What's happened to you?"

My Master mutters. "I don't have time son." He gasps. "I'm dying."

Sye shakes his father hard. "Shut up! It's just a cold!" Simon looks behind to me, wide eyed. His brown eyes are bright with tears. "Right Cami?"

I shake my head and avoid his eyes.

"There is something, I must say son. You need to hear this."

Simon leans over his father's death bed. Then the thought dawns on me, this is really happening, right now! I clutch my stomach to keep from falling.

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