Chapter Four (Milo)

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As the final bell rang I was standing outside of class 102, Mrs. K 's room. Where's Jeah? My anxious mind questioned. As much as I desired, I couldn't parade the halls looking for her. I longed to see her in an at least content state (I know that is unlikely due to the struggles she's had to face at home).

Honestly, I worry because how cruel Sye Campton is to her. The one thing that is constantly on my mind is how hard Sye pushes her. He is emotionally stressful, and piles onto the stress Jeah already has to deal with at home. Jeah's family seeming aloof more recently is not helping.

Well not that he doesn't tease me, and Tammy, and Artie. They call Artie nasty names, and that's due to her braces. Artie also has had a rumor on her shoulders since she opened her mouth in Oak Dale Middle School, that she's mentally insane. To Tammy, they criticize her body, which is cruel on so many levels. Then there's me. People don't cling to me, they just talk behind my back and give me weird looks. I've learned to brush it off like sticky syrup.

In grade-school, Jeah was herself. The moment Sye saw her, he noticed her and chose to be mean to her. Rumors were made. Names were called: weak, scrawny, wuss and many more. To make a point, she is tripped, pushed, attacked. Lastly, the pranks that are pulled, some people in this school get pretty creative. The memory of seventh grade's powdered sugar explosion still stains my mind like it stained the hairs on our heads.

Out of us four friends, Jeah is the shyest, quietest, but she is the boldest. She receives whatever happens to her with dignity, that is why she is my best friend.

Out of nowhere Jeah came running slowly, as if all her energy had already been drained. "I'm here." She panted "I'm... here."

I ran to her a bit too fast. Gripping Jeah's shoulders, I force her to stop and to calm down.s We both slumped to the ground on our knees. "Jeah, you're here!" I said almost too enthusiastically. Man, she looks rough today. Noticing her darkened eyes and messy hair, I wince slightly.

Jeah rubbed her dark eye with the back of her hand. "Milo...You didn't need to cut class again."

"Yes I did." I corrected her. "Yes I did." I kept repeating. Not leaving her side, I pulled a hair tie off my wrist. I took very little attention to putting her dark brown hair into a bun. Taking a glance, I gave myself a mental pat on the back. Taking her hand, I pulled her up to her feet. As we walked into the classroom, we were oblivious there were dozens of sets of eyes on us.


"Why?" My voice barley formed the word as I covered my ear at the unstable voice. It was Mrs. K, the only person with such a dry voice box who would be so absorbed into the arrival of students.

"What do you think you're doing? Shouldn't you be teaching class?" I muttered under my breath, hoping someone would hear and laugh. Laughing was my only defense, my strength, for how I manage through the day.

"AND JEAH!" Mrs. K continued. She stroke a pose just to show how serious she was. "My flesh and blood. The star making this room glow. My best student, most diligent student....HOW DARE YOU AND YOU BOYFRIEND FORSAKE MY CLASS ROOM?"

"BOYFRIEND?" Jeah and I shouted together. Then each of us tried to explain in our own words that we weren't a couple. Even so, our hands remained linked.

"You don't have to pretend." Said a new voice. I immediately knew who it was. It was that despicable being that made me cringe. The blonde haired, light browned eyed demon. Just the way he put he feet up on his desk made me boil. Even when he smiled at me, I wanted to punch him, for all the things he did to me and my friends.

Out of the corner of my I could see Jeah glue her eyes on the floor. Releasing Jeah's hand, I put my hands behind my back and balled them into fists, willing to protect. Jeah seized my wrist, psychologically shaking her head. Once again, our hands seemed to be stuck together.

"I know what you're thinking Milo." Sye Campton continued gracefully sliding his feet off the desk. He got up and walked towards me and Jeah. I could feel Jeah's hand clasp tighter around my hand for each word Sye spoke. "You're just a guy looking for a relationship. We get you. We've all been in your position. I've been through this before and trust me. You do not want to go there." Then I knew he was meaning Jeah. Through the corner of my eye I saw Jeah beginning to turn a beat red.

"Come on youngster, I know what you need. I can be your big daddy." My body winces at the pure torture. Please, my thoughts roam. Don't touch me, and call yourself 'Big Daddy'. Sye continues. "I can show you how to live! Show you the rights and wrongs." He shrugged his way between Jeah and I. I longed to reach out and grab Jeah's hand, to pull her away from Sye, but Sye was quick and had already had his arm on my shoulder.

"Don't. You. Call me that!" I whispered ferociously through gritted teeth. Behind him I could see him lean back and nudge Jeah hard enough to have her trip. Jeah's unfortunate stance caused her to loose her footing and fall to the ground.

The class snickered, while I broke away from Sye's grip. This time Jeah wasn't here to stop me. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Why I 'ought a..."

"GUYS! HAVE. A. SEAT! And Jeah, don't be so clumsy!" The teacher prompted standing up at her desk and removing her small reading glasses. She doesn't say another word, she clearly did not understand what just happened.

I took Jeah's hand and pulled her to her feet after scoffing angrily at Sye. Then I lead her to the back of the room where Tammy and Artie were. Artie was asleep, but Tam was awestruck. Her eyes were widened and her hands were gripping onto the edge of the desk as if the horror movie ended with everyone's death.

"What the heck was that?" She whispered, her eyebrows knitting together.

Jeah shrugged at her, for this was everyday life. I would have done the same, but I was still dumbfounded at how Sye reached out to me. He never tried anything like that before.

This was life for us, eat or be eaten. Always on your toes, all in order to survive. But, Sye always found ways to mess up our lives. He's never done anything like this, trying to help in his own way. The thought of him trying to help puzzles me.

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