Chapter Twelve (Haile)

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I sense Jeah in her room, cowering with fear. I also sense my parents outside the house.

I rush towards the door that loomed yards away. Pressing my palms to my head in frustration, I see that the door is wide open. Shit! I sigh shaking my head in remorse. You're caught. There's nothing you can do about it.

I hear the clatter of footsteps. Instead of listening to my heart, I let my worries take over. Squeezing my eyes shut, I begin to replay my parent's words in my head. Haile, focus. Notice the air around you. Notice how it exists but you can't see it...replicate that...become invisible.

My dad stomped into the open doorway, nostrils flaring. He swept the room with his eyes, but he never held his gaze on me. I gave myself a mental pat on the back for holding my invisibility despite my migraine. My dad's eyes were a white abyss, and his breathing came out in ragged gasps.

I gulped as my father spoke, the venom and anger in his voice thick, "Haile! I know you're in here."

Mom walked in behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. My dad turned to face my mom. Once their eyes locked, my dad's posture softened. "Timothy..."

My dad let out a strained breath and his eyes returned to the stormy-blue eyes I always knew, "Thanks Janine. I just, Jeah shouldn't of had to found out this way."

My mom nodded and turned to look out towards me, I tensed hoping she didn't see me. She rubbed his arm reassuringly, "It'll be okay."

A long period of silence sat between us. Holding my breath, I made sure to keep quiet.

"Come out Haile." Mom said breaking the silence like glass. "You can't hide."

She's right. I can't hide too long. This migraine is killing me!

"I bet she's invisible." Dad whispers. Mother nodded in agreement.

A squeak of fear slipped out of my mouth and I had to bite my lip. I flicked a bead of sweat off my head and squeezed my eyes shut. I strained to stay invisible. Why this was so hard for me to do, I had no idea at the time. It was as if I was being deprived of my concentration. Challenges are great, especially for making someone stronger, but this is physically unbearable. 

"Ah, there you are!" Dad exclaimed.

My eyes snapped open. I looked down at my hands that were flickering in and out of the color world. I rolled my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Soon I was in full view.

Despite my sudden wryness, I had a strong urge to pivot and run, to teleport even. Although before I could blink, my mom appeared behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. Her warm hands only increased my fatigue. She rooted me in place by how flat her voice sounded. "Hello honey!"

"Hey..." I laughed nervously.

"Haile, forgive yourself. You're fine. Jeah was going to find out sooner or later."

"Damn it! What are we going to do?" My dad had run over here and was now standing in front of me.

My mom sighed and shrugged, "It will be okay." She looked down at me and then back at my dad. "She'll understand."

"I'm...sorry?" I mumbled half-heartedly.

"I already told you, your fine. There is nothing stalling us for getting her transformed. I'm sorry you had to be the one to tell her." Mom said wrapping her arms about me.

"Well, here's the thing. I didn't actually tell her. She kind of...found out."

"You don't say." My father spoke gesturing to my face. I touched my noise and felt blood. Gasping, I let the migraine come again. My hand became surrounded by brilliant blue energy. I swiped my hand over the damage. A tingling sensation buzzed on my nose. I sighed as I let my hand drop to my side, I relaxed. The migraine was gone, and I had healed my bloody nose.

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