Chapter One (Jeah)

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I am the vivid color among black and white; I stand out like a sore thumb. I am invisible to others, ignored and unwanted. I am the below average human in a world of perfect people. I am my own person, with my own opinions, my own story, but nobody seems to care about these things. Many of my peers have many of the same top priorities: they want to be popular, they want money, or something that falls into both categories...all of them except me.

I'm different, how else can I express that?

            As a result of that simple fact, I was branded the name Outcast. I was socially put in a category for people just like me. As a teen, I value other things besides popularity and power; Of course this bugged the teens at my school to no end. They wanted me, and all of the Outcasts, gone, because apparently we are only students taking up the spot for more worthy beings.                                         

My middle school, Oak Dale Middle School, is probably the one place on earth that is closest to hell. A sickly red tint that the bricks take on make the whole school even more unwelcoming. There are hardly windows in the place, which helps trap the darkening cold spirits on the inside. It is a sorry excuse for a school, it could make a better jail though. Most of the students have decided to turn away, and pretend not to notice my presence. I don't know why they don't like me, I don't know if it is my speckled grey eyes that plead for acceptance , or maybe it's because of how tangled my hair is most of the time. All the cliques don't want me there, but not as much as the boyish nightmare, Sye Campton.

Sye Campton. It is impossible to express through simple words how much I hate him! When his name is spoken in school, the girls faint while I turn away in disgust and fear. It is impossible not to know him. He is to be the most well known, egotistical boy hiding behind a cute and sweet facade. I won't judge those people for praising Sye, but he is not what they think he is.

First of all, the only thing that makes him sweet is because was of the elementary school sweetheart! That reputation of that title still holds on tight three years after. With one single smile, a girl would sigh and smile back in a trance. With one wink at the teacher, the teachers' hearts would melt.

Everything about his sweet demeanor is so fake.

Cute? I don't know what the other students are thinking but Sye looks like Satan to me. I think what does it for other girls is those menacing, chocolate eyes that hold yours until you give up and look away.  His curly blond hair that shines because of too much gel makes him look like a movie star to everyone. Of course, he has a lot of money, so he's going to have nice clothes that bring out his eyes.                                                                           

    Sye should be pure, sweet, and kind, but his idea of kindness must be different than the way I see kindness. Is kind shoving people in lockers with no escape? Is kind calling the insecure people fat? Is sweet taking a hungry boy's lunch? Is kind slamming books down at the timid one's feet? Is kind hurting innocent people, who just don't deserve it?                                                                               

  I mean, what can I do? He is strong, I'm weak. He is this tall, buff, handsome mess that throws himself at us, expecting that we don't fight back. He uses his strength to leave outcasts like me in the dust. Sye, teases us, laughs at us, and harasses us. He hates us, and we hate him right back.

  It can become to much. I wish I was a girl with strong confidence and a strong sense of knowing what's right. It would be really nice to give Sye a taste of his own medicine, but that's not my place. It was never my place. Although that doesn't mean I can't daydream about punching him in the face sometimes.

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