Keeping Us Together :::7:::

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*Damien’s POV*


It was balancing on the fine line of awake and asleep that the forgotten memory resurfaced, reforming itself as a dream. I rolled onto my side, trying to loose all conscious thought, but the memory stayed, moving right along, images forming behind closed eyelids.

“This is so lame…” I grumble, leaning back against Kyle’s bed in the memory.

“Keep working” his voice was stern, but affection was buried somewhere in it. I listen to the coloful notes as his hands dance gracefully up and down the piano, never hitting a false key. I’d long since gotten used to listening to him play while I attempted to finish my math homework.

“Can’t we do something, I dunno fun?” my eyes slide over the numbers, not really seeing them.

“I’m having fun” he responds. The song fades out and he swings his legs over the bench, twisting around to examine me. And idea forms. Bitting on my bottom lip I begin fidgeting under his gaze, tapping the pencil with increasing temple against the paper. “What?”

“I’m stuck” I complain motioning to my paper.

“You’re in applied” his eyelids lower, looking at me arrogantly.

“Help?” I plea, and because Kyle secretly loves the ego boost he gets up and moves over, sitting next to me on the bed, reading the question over my shoulder. I lean my arm into him, brushing against his warm body, enjoying how easily he false for my ploy.

“You’re forgetting something” he points out, eyebrows drawn together.

I tilt my chin upwards, looking in his eyes. ‘Oh yeah?” my voice softens “What?”

“That if you’re going to pretend you need help you have to make it look real by actually putting down some work” he snickers, leaving the bed again, drawing the pout across my face. I fall onto my stoamch, stretching across the bed towards him.

“Kyle” I draw his name out in a purposely sulky whine “Let’s make out!”

“Aren’t you supposed to want romance?” he critizizes.

“Aren’t you supposed to be happy about my lack of romance?” I critize back “Gez, it’s like we need to reverse rolls”

He snorts “Hardly. That’d just be sad”

“What the hell are you implying?” I growl.

The corner of his mouth twitches as he fights a smile. “Exactly what it sounds like”

“You’re so mean!” I complain, looking for something to throw…

What was I doing, lying in bed remembering something so insignificant? I had stuff to do today. I creak my eyes open and I’m no longer in Kyle’s room of my memories, but in my own bedroom, and I’ve slept in far to long to relive something so unimportant. Yet, there’s a twinge in my stomach, a nostalgia longing for our lost simplicity. If only the dream was real and reality was a dream.


Me and Rose sat in an uncomfortable silence as we waited for Kyle‘s arrival. It wans’t awkward necessarily, just tense. She’d be seeing him for the first time since he was a toddler, and for all Kyle knew she was a neglectful carefree little trollop. I shift my weight, glancing at the time on my phone.

“He’ll be here soon” I nib my bottom lip. He wasn’t going to be to happy was my guess.

“Yep” she sounded nervous, and by the stance of her body she was. Just like Kyle, getting more and more formal the more and more her emotions tried to reach out and take her, ace businesslike, posture perfect. I watched as she patted her hair down and smoothed out her suit. “What’d you tell him?”

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