Crying, Lying, and Some Stupidity

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Gwen's Diary (Yes even Gwen has a girly side) May 15
Today I met Hatsuharu and Momji, and I have to admit Momji reminds me of a rabbit or bunny. He's so energetic and Hatsuharu is the quiet type. Tohru says he has a bad side, I can't wait to see it!!! Maybe I have to make him mad. Hmmm how do you make a 15 year old boy mad? I don't know but I would enjoy seeing is dark side or Black Haru as I've heard. Well that's it for today diary.
After I wrote in my diary, I put it in my dresser, under my clothes, in a secret hatch. Maybe I went overboard hiding it but no one can know my secret. I walked downstairs and to my surprise no one was there. "Huh. Ummm Tohru, Shigure, Yuki, Kyo? Is anyone here?" I asked. No response.
Meanwhile out in a festival,
"Umm Yuki? Do you really think we should have left Gwen at the house by herself?" Tohru asked. "She's fine. I mean you should know more about her. You are her sister." He responded. "Remember we came out here to find Kisa." Yuki said.
Back to Gwen,
I never thought they would do this to me especially Tohru. I mean my own sister leaves me and she was the one that said everything was going to be okay. I was just starting to trust them too and Kyo, h-he's gone. I started crying about everything from my cursed birth to now. I never trusted anyone and this was that reason. They would leave, my parents, my friends, even old boyfriends. Now my sister, who was the only one there for me, left. I left a note saying I was going to go get bread. I was leaving forever and this time I wasn't coming back no matter what.
Home from the looking for Kisa,
Tohru went upstairs to see Gwen but she wasn't there. "Did anyone see Gwen?" Tohru asked walking down the stairs. "No why?" Shigure asked. "Well I think.........No she just went to the market." Tohru said relived. "How do you know that?" Kyo asked. "She left a note." Tohru said.
Five hours pass,
"Do you think we should go look for her. It's been five hours and she's not back yet." Tohru said worry drowning out her voice. "It's okay Miss. Honda. I think Gwen only got lost and will be here any minute." Yuki said smiling trying to keep Tohru calm.
Gwen's POV
I ran to my old cave and stayed there. It felt good to be somewhere where I belonged. I didn't want to see any of their faces, especially Tohru's. If I saw those big brown eyes, I would probably cry even more. I walked into the cave to be greeted by a small tiger cub. (Weird that a cub would be here in a forest but she can stay.) I thought. That was when it hit me, this was Kisa. I heard Yuki talking about going to find Kisa. That was why they left, "Ugh I'm so stupid." I said really loudly I think I scared Kisa. "I'm sorry Kisa. Why did you run away again?" I asked her. She didn't respond. "Kisa tell me or sissy and I will me really sad." I said trying to reason with her. "I left..............." She hesitated. "Because I wanted to find you." She said looking at me. I started crying again, (I'm just a giant crybaby) "Did I make you sad?" Kisa asked. "No Kisa. You didn't. I'm so sorry." I said hugging her. I went to the market. (because I needed the bread I said I was getting and I bought Kisa some clothes)
When I got home,
Tohru was there waiting for me. "Gwen!!!!! Where were you?" She said. "Long story but I brought two things." By this time everyone was downstairs. "I brought bread and a cute little girl." I said holding up the bread and moving out the way so everyone could see Kisa. I was glad everyone was happy to see Kisa but Kyo wasn't. After I had said what I brought, Kyo ran up and hugged me. "Don't you ever scare me like that again." He said pulling me closer and hugging me tighter. "Okay okay but if you don't let go I'm going to scare you by dying in your arms." I said trying to get out of his hold.
I like meeting the Sohma family because every time I meet them something good happens. I wonder what will happen after I go see Akito. Is he really as mean as everyone says he is? I guess I'll find out when I meet him. One more thing, is it just me or does Kyo seem to be coming to like me? I guess not but I'll have to tell him sooner of later.
Stay true to you,
Gwen Honda

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