Apart Of The Zodiac

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After I told them that I got strange looks from everyone again even Kyo after he already knew. "Gwen, you are not apart of the Zodiac and how do you even know about that?" Shigure asked. "If you don't believe me let me hug you." I said.

Shigure agreed and I hugged him. To his amazement and everyone else's' when I hugged him he stayed in his human form. I think Kisa was a little most amazed because she had someone like her who she talk to.

Tohru hugged him after to see if I was magical or something. But Shigure turned into a dog. "How did y-you do that?" Yuki asked. I then had to explain everything again to everybody.

"So your the lost princess." Shigure said. "The lost.... What?!" I asked. "The folktale says that a girl age 16 will come back around this time and be reunited with her real family." He said. All he got back was blank stares.

"We have to see Akito right away." He said ignoring the stares. "Wait wait wait remember what happened after we went there last time." Yuki said.

Time for a flashback!!!

It was the day after Tohru said she wanted to see Akito. We walked in and waited for him to speak. To speed things up, Akito went crazy and went off on Tohru. He pulled her hair and yelled at her like she was Sohma.Shigure and Yuki tried to pull him off but they ended up on the ground. She started talking to him and he let her go. That was the first time anyone had seen cry. She always had thing with words.

Okay maybe meeting Akito is a bad idea. Shigure thought. "Okay let's just forget about this." Shigure said and then he changed back into a human. He quickly put on his clothes and went upstairs. Then they all fell asleep not knowing what was coming next.

The next morning Hatori came to visit. It was Saturday so no one had school or anything to do. "Oh hi Hatori. I didn't expect you today." Tohru said coming from upstairs. "Yes yes but I hear your sister is here." He said. "No no no I mean yes but where did you hear that?" She asked. "You know Shigure and his big mouth. I think he's told everyone expect Akito." Hatori said in his usually emotionless voice.

Then Gwen came downstairs. "Is this your sister? I mean you two look nothing alike. Aren't siblings suppose to look a little alike?" He asked. "Who is this guy?" Gwen said pointing to Hatori. "Oh I don't believe we've met, because we haven't." Gwen said annoyed. "I'm Hatori Sohma. I'm the family doctor." Hatori said holding his hand out.

"Well I'm sorry for my bitter tone and selfish behavior." Gwen said taking Hatori's hand and shaking it. "Umm Hatori, do you know about the lost princess?" Gwen asked nervously. "Yes why?" He asked. "I think.........I may be her." Gwen said strongly.

"Y-you know about the princess so that means.......?!" He said surprised. "That stupid Shigure. How could he not tell me?" He shouted. "Hey hey what's up with all the screaming? People are trying to sleep." Kyo said coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

"Kyo come here for a second." Hatori said. "H-Hatori what are you doing?" Kyo said. "Just come over here!!" Hatori said angry. So Kyo walked over to Hatori. "Hug Gwen." Hatori said. "H-hug her? W-what do you mean?" Kyo said nervously. I'm pretty sure all the blood from his body ran to his face.(Awww young love hahaha) "Yes hug her and that's an order!" Hatori said anger deep in his voice.

Kyo and Gwen hugged and nothing happened. Just to make sure Hatori made Kyo hug Tohru and he changed. (Just to make sure you know. When a member of the Zodiac hugs the other sex not of the Zodiac they change. Or overcome a great deal of stress they can also change. Just to make things clear if you haven't seen the show or read the manga Back to the story.)

"So she is the lost princess." Hatori said. "Can I leave before I change back?" Kyo said. "Yeah go." Hatori said.

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