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**Lillith's POV**

I walk in the common room and find Fred and George putting something on the notice board. I walked over to them and read what was written


Pocket money falling to keep pace with your outgoings?

Like to earn a little extra GOLD? Contact Fred and George Weasley,

Gryffindor common room for SIMPLE, PART TIME, VIRTUALLY PAINLESS jobs.

I looked away from the notice board and back at the twins.

  "I don't know what this is about but I have the feeling I don't want to know" I said to them "Are you even allowed to post that?"

  "Now, now Lilli, this is for our business" Said George

  I rolled my eyes "You should take it down before someone else does"

  "Why is your girlfriend trying to crush our dreams?" Fred asked

  "I don't think she is trying to crush our dream, lest say she's just looking out for us" George answered and kissed me

I rolled my eyes, again, and made my way up to the dorm. I found Angelina putting her stuff away and Alicia sitting on her bed talking. I smiled and walked over to them.

  "I missed you so much!" I exclaimed

  "How was your summer?" Angelina asked hugging me

I knew I couldn't say anything about the order. "Boring has always, nothing interesting" I lied "You?"

  "I didn't do much but It felt good to have some time off school" Smiled Angelina

  "Yeah, I had a great time. I went to France, it was so nice there" added Alicia

I smiled at them "Have you seen our time tables" I then said taking out the piece of parchment with our classes written on them.

  "Yeah, but yours looks much worse than ours with your N.E.W.T.s Potion. Just look at that you have double potions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday" Said Alicia

  "Yeah but I don't mind it except..."

  "For the fact that Snape hates you" Angelina continued for me

  "Exactly" I said.

The evening went on and has it got later, I got into my pyjamas and crawled into my bed.

The next morning, I woke up early for transfiguration lesson. I got dressed into my robes, got my books and made my way down to the great hall to have a quick breakfast. I sat down and moment later Angelina, Alicia and the twins came to join me. We all sat at the almost empty Gryffindor table and ate. Once done, we got all our things and started to make our way towards the transfiguration class.

  "I think our number one buying for the skiving snackbox will be the fifth years" Said Fred

  "Why would it be the fifth years" Angelina asked

  "Because it's O.W.L.s year which means a lot of boring classes" George started

"With a lot more boring work" continued Fred.

We made it to our transfiguration class and went to sit at our desks. I sat with Angelina, Fred sat with George and Alicia went to sit with Lee Jordan. Professor Mcgonagall entered the class and did a small cough so we would know she was there and to stop talking.

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