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**Lillith's POV**

Ever since Umbridge banded me from quidditch, she's been giving me a hard time. She would always have a reason to tell me of or say I'm doing something wrong.

I had just finished Charms. It was a pretty fun class since we were doing non-verbal spells. I practiced these a lot during The summer and in my free time so I was pretty good at it. The class was still at the basics like summoning things. When I walked out of class, I still had my wand in my hand. I was walking with Angelina in the corridors and just has I was going to put it away I heard the annoying hem hem. Angelina and I turned around to see the toad faced professor walking towards us with that annoying little smile on hers.

  "Wand away" said Professor Umbridge

  "I was just about to" I answered in an annoying tone

  "Don't use that tone. It's just a precaution. Don't want you going around using magic in the corridors or there will be consequences" Smile the professor

I gave her a very fake and annoyed smile and showed my wand to the professor and slowly put it in my pocket so she could see that I was putting it away.

  "In your bag please" The professor added has I started walking away.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her again. I took out my wand once more and put it in my bag and walked away very annoyed.

After my Divination's class, I sadly had defence against the dark arts. I walked in the class hoping that the professor got hexed and that hopefully she wouldn't be here but that happy thought soon disappeared when I saw her walk inside the classroom. I was sitting next to George who seemed to be falling asleep. I shook him to wake him up because I knew that if the professor saw him sleeping he would be in big trouble. I shook him twice but he wouldn't wake.

  "George stop sleeping" I whisper to him

  "Excuse me Miss Lupin am I bothering you?" Smiled the Professor

Yes you are, you're presents pains me

  "No professor" I answered

  "Has I was saying" continued Professor Umbridge "the Inferius is a corpse that has been reanimated by a dark wizard's spell. Can someone tell me why this creature is not considered alive... Miss Lupin?"

I knew that she wanted me to say that I didn't knew the answer since I wasn't listening but I've read the whole defence against the dark arts book and I know my stuff.

  "It is not alive since it is merely used like a puppet to do the wizard's bidding" I answered with the same smile that Umbridge usually does.

The professor seemed surprised yet disappointed that I knew the answer.

  "Very well" she sighed and kept continued teaching.

Her classes made me miserable and for the first time ever, they actually made me want to skip them. After Defence, today's lessons were over. I walked to the common room with George and Fred. I was hoping to spend some time with George but once we made it up to the Gryffindor tower him and his twin brother started to talk about their products for their joke shop and all.

Lately, George has been pretty busy about that. I didn't want to be that girlfriend who always wanted to be with her boyfriend 24/7 but we haven't been spending much time together. I decided I would go for a walk in the school corridors and had the idea of going to see Professor Trelawney. I made my way to her office and knocked on the door.

  "Come in" she said

I opened the door and walked inside to find the professor gazing into an orb.

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