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**Lillith's POV**

I woke up on the couch with a blanket on me, I wondered how I had it, I didn't remember having one when I fell asleep. Anyway, I pulled it off and streached my arms, I had about fifteen minutes before my class started. I started to make my way to the girls bathroom when I saw Erwin standing near the window with a letter next to her. It must of been my grand-mother who finally answered my letters. I took it and when I was about to open it I realized that it was already opened. I cocked my head and took the letter out. I started to read it and dropped it soon after. I thought that my grand-mother got out of the trouble she was in, the other thing troubling me was the fact that my mother did something bad. I alway's knew she wasn't good but what could she have possibly done but, the thing that troubled me even more was the fact that someone saw what was in this letter before me so, they probably found out that my parents where Death Eaters. The envolope was already opened and the letter was very badly folded. I put the letter in my pocket and brought Erwin back up to the dorm and put her in her cage.

I got ready, did my hair put some clean clothes on and went back down to the common room. Fred and George where already down and they where talking to each other, well more whispering.

  "Good morning boys" I said giving them a smile

They kept on whispering to each other, they didn't even notice I was there

  "Good morning!" I said a little bit louder and this time they turned around

I gave them a smile.

  "Good morning" They answered back but something seemed different about the way they answered me

The smile on my face faded, I went to see what they where talking about

  "You two sharing secrets or something" I joke but they didn't seem to find it funny

I started to feel very awkward

  "Huh, I guess I'll see you in History of Magic" I said leaving Gryffindor tower.

Something was wrong, the boys seemed very uneasy, did I do something? They don't usualy act like this. 

I sat alone in the back of the class during History of Magic. I didn't listen at all. I was to busy thinking about what my mother could've possibly done that was so bad, I was also starring at Fred and George who seemed like their normal selves now, joking aroud with Lee, Oliver and others. I was worried for nothing, the only reason Fred and George seemed uneasy this morning was probably because they didn't sleep well or something. Once class was over, I wen't to find them to ask if they wanted to come by the lake with me.

  "Hey George, hey Fred" I found them making their way back to the gryffindor tower

They both turned around at the same time, they seemed surprsied to see me

  "Hey Lillith" George said avoiding my gaze.

It was pretty weird to hear George call me Lillith, he would usually always call me Lilli.

  "I wanted to know if you wanted to go by the lake with me to study and stuff" I asked awkwardly

  "Huh, well, Huh we-" George started hesitantly

  "We have huh, quidditch practice" Finished Fred

  "Can  I come and watch?" I asked

  "Well, huh, we are only going to go over the basics" Started Fred

  "Oliver wants to make sure we remember everything, you know make sure we haven't forgotten over break" continued George

They forced a smile that seemed very fake and walked the other way passing me. Now I knew for sure they were avoiding me. This troubled me a lot but I wasn't going to let them ruine my day. I still had about three hours until my next class so I was going to spend it at the lake even if the boys weren't with me. The air was chilly but the sun that it my skin kept me warm. I took out this older book of charms I found in the library. It was different from the one we had for classes, the thing that got me very interested about this charm book was that they had a whole chapter about this charm called the patronus charm. I've heard about it before, the charm's Professor, professor Flitwick talked about it once but he told us that we were to young to ever be able to produce a patronus and that you needed to have very powerful magic. I really wanted to lean about this charm but there was only about one page that talked about it in our charms book. Good thing I went to find the other one, just imagime me doing this spell, not only would the professor be impressed but I would most probably be the youngest to ever do the patronus spell. 

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