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**Lillith's POV**

"I don't care if it's christmas you have detention" shouted Professor Flitwick "every morning and night until the end of christmas break"

"But Professor" Fred, George and I all complained at the same time

He looked at us for a moment, thinking about something

"I will take out the morning detention only if you give me back my wand and bring my stuff back down to my level" said the Professor with his arms crossed.

I glanced at George and he took out is wand

"Accio, wand" he said and Professor Flitwicks wand came flying into George's hand.

He handed it back to the Professor and he walked out the class room upset. We soon started taking the book that we put on the tall shelves down.

"I told you we would get caught" I said has I tried to grab a book

I wasn't that tall so there where some things I wasn't able to reach. George took the book for me and handed it over so I could put it away.

  "Your welcome and I mean it was a clever prank, if only Fred didn't make a tone of noise" Said George

  "Hey I almost died when all those books fell on me" joked Fred

"Sure you almost died" I giggle and So did George

We continued taking the book down, it really sucked that we had to do this on christmas and that Fred and George actualy got me to do this prank. It was getting really late and I was getting tired. I yawned and sat down, I just wanted to fall asleep.

  "Why are we still doing this, we could just leave and go to bed" complained Fred

   "The door is locked" George pointed out

  "We could just use a spell to unlock it" Fred took his wand out and started to walk towards the door

He was then stopped before he got the chance to pronounce the spell

  "It won't work" I said

Fred turned around to look at me and grinned

  "And why not Lilli" Fred smirked

  "Because, professor Flitwitck but a spell on the lock, a spell that only he can undo" I smirked back at him

  "Well lest test your hypothese" Fred turned back around at the door and took out his wand "Alohomora"

He waited for a moment and tried to open the door but it was still locked

  "Alohomora" he said again but nothing happened

Fred sighed and walked back towards George and I. He sat down on a desk next to me and I gave him a grin.

"Don't look at me like that" said Fred and he looked away from me, I rolled my eyes and smiled and so did he.

George, Fred and I all layed down on the ground, we where so tired and we still didn't have a way out of the class room, we just had to wait for the Professor.
  "Everyone wake up, wake up!"

Fred, George and I all woke startled by professor Flitwick walking into the class room, it was now day

  "Hey, you to split up" shouted the professor at George and I.

I slowly turned my head and saw that George had his arm around me. I pulled away amedietly and blushed. I stood up and put my messy brown hair into a braid. 

  "Can we leave now" I asked just wanting to get to my dorm and sleep on a proper bed, the floor was so unconfertable, my neck was killing me.

Professor Flitwick nodded and we all ran out of that class room.

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