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**George's POV**

Today is July second which means it's no other than Lilli's birthday today. I woke up and took the blankets and pillow's from the floor and put them back on Fred's bed (I'm sleeping on the floor since Fred won't give me any space on the bed). I make sure not to wake up Lillith or Fred and take the present that I wrapped for Lilli and take the ton-tongue toffee and bring them downstairs. I walked to the living room and put them on the coffee table. Mum, Dad,Ginny, Percy and Hermione were all eating breakfast in the kitchen. I walked over and took a cookie that was sitting on the counter. I Then walked back upstairs to my bedroom and woke up Lillith.

"Morning" I smiled at her

"Uh, oh George, what are you doing, what time is it?" She asked lazily

"It's ten O'clock" I tell her

"Only ten, why are you waking me up so early" she said

"Just come with me" I said and pulled her out of bed.

Lillith eyes where half shut and her hair was all over the place, I tried my best not to laugh, she looked so funny. I walked her over to the living room, once she realized what was on the coffee table, her eyes opened completely.

"Is that a... Oh George you shouldn't have" Lillith said

"What are boyfriends for" I grinned

Lillith kiss me on the cheek and went to open the little wrapped box with excitement. Once she opened it, she paused for a moment.

"I remember how Unicorns are you favorite creatures, and that time you really wanted to pet that Unicorn in care of magical creatures" I said

Lillith started to tear up "wow, I didn't think you would remember" she said

"You have such low standards for me" I joked

Lillith flashed me a big smile, pulled me into a hug and kissed me.

"Put it on me, will you" she said has she handed me the necklace and I tied it around her neck.

"That's so cute!" I heard Ginny's voice Exclaim

Lillith and I turned around to see Ginny and Hermione watching us, I saw Lillith start to blush.

"It's a very beautiful necklace" said Hermione "if I would've known it was your birthday I would've gotten you something"

"Yeah me too" Added Ginny

"It's okay" Lillith answered

Lillith and I made our way to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Mum made something extra special for Lillith and every time I would try to take something from her plate mum would spot me and yell at me. Fred had finally woken up and came to join us at the table. He looked down at Lillith's necklace.

"You know it took George a long time before finding you that" said Fred with a mouth full of egg "but George isn't the only one to get you something"

Fred took out a medium sized box with pink wrapping. He handed it over to Lilli who had a smile on her face.

"When did you get her a present?" I asked, I didn't remember seeing him buy anything.

Lillith opened the box and was shocked when she saw what was inside. Her face turned red and she shut it before I saw what was in it.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Oh, it's nothing" she said has she gave a sharp look at Fred

"Oh come on show me" I said taking the box from Lilli and opening it.

The Mischeifs Good Girl ~George Weasley love story~Where stories live. Discover now