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**Lillith's POV**

Everyone started to make their way to the great hall. They all got their robes on and walked out of the room of requirement. I sat on the floor not able to get up. My stomach was in pain and my head was pounding. I thought that if I were to get up I would die.

"Lilli, come on" George said has he grabbed my arm about to pull me up.

"No stop!" I shouted

"Hey? Whats wrong?" He asked me worried.

George bent down and grabbed my hand.

"Whats going on?" George asked

"I'm not feeling okay, somethings wrong somethings-" I wans't able to finish my phrase has the pain in my head got worse.

Everything went dark, my eyes rolled behind my head and I felt my body fall.

"Lillith! Lillith! Come on, not now!" I was still able to hear him faint yells before all sound disappeared.

I was standing alone, all that surrounded me was dark space. I stood there and figures started to appear and an image formed. I stood on top of a hill, in front of me was an army. An army of death eaters with lord Voldemort standing by them. My heart was beating fast. They all pointed their wands up at the sky. I turned around to see what they were pointing at and saw Hogwarts. They were attacking Hogwarts. I saw the light from their wand shoot towards the school. I looked over at Voldemort with hate. If I could I would kill him, here and now but I couldn't since this wasn't real, or at least not yet. This was a vision and I had to wake up, I have to get up.

I opened my eyes and saw the room of requirement once more. George was standing over me with Fred.

"Thank god your back!" George exclaimed.

"Whats happened?" I asked.

"Everyone is in the great hall" Fred answered

"Come on, we need to go" I said and jumped up.

The twins watched me curiously.

"Well, what are you waiting for, lest go" I said to them and we made out way out.

We ran towards the door of the great hall and has we got closer someone grabbed us and pulled us away.

"Wait here!" It was my dad and with him there was Hermione, Ron, Arthur, Molly, Kingsley, Bill and others.

"Where's Harry?" I asked

"Inside" Hermione answered

"Look, the dark lord is coming, today, we're fighting" I told everyone.

No one said a word and stared at me speechless.

"I was not expecting that" Fred said

"Guess there really is no avoiding it" Said Arthur Weasley

"We'll need to talk about this later, now we need to go" Hermione cut in.

We marched up to the door of the great hall and pushed them open. Harry was standing in the middle of the great hall alone. Everyone seemed shocked to see us here. I looked over at George who looked over at me.

"So, this is it" I whispered to him

George didn't answer, only nodded and took my hand.

Everything that happened after wards happened so fast. Mcgonagall was able to fight pff Snape who had then ran away from the castle. Voldemort made message, he wanted Harry, and no one would get hurt, but obviously that wasn't going to happen.

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