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**Lillith's POV**

Professor Moody and I sat silently for a while. He stared at me with that weird Glass eye, it looked like it was scanning me or something. I was tapping my leg nervously, I was scared he would yelled at me or something. I was started to regret shouting at the Professor, I probably made the worst first impression ever.

"Are you okay Miss.Lupin" asked Professor Moody

"Yes, Fine" I answered avoiding his gaze.

"I think I may have gone to far" he said

Yeah you think I wanted to say but didn't.

"You seemed very, how do I say this, disturbed when I showed you these curses. Now I like to think it's more then just because they shouldn't be shown in class" said Professor Moody

"What are you saying?" I asked

"Well, from the way you acted, have you ever been affected by these curses?"

I didn't know what to say, well, I wasn't sure If I should tell him that I have. I didn't say anything straight away still thinking of how I would put it.

"I have been put under the Inperio curse before, and well was almost killed by the killing curse" I said silently

"By who?" He asked seeming very interested

"Huh, well" I took a moment before saying "Cora and Uther Greengrass"

The professor didn't say anything, he just watched me with that wonky eye of his. We both sat there silently until Professor Moody said with a hand gesture that I could go. I pushed my chair back, got my things and left the class room. This was the weirdest thing ever.

I walked out of the class and made my way to transfiguration. I had to hurry up since Class was going to start soon and I didn't want to be late. I entered the room just in time. I went around looking for a seat, everywhere was full, even next to George. Fred has sat down next to him. I kept on trying to look for a seat. The only spot left was next to this Ravenclaw we had transfiguration with. I went to sit down next to him and got my books out. I then took out my quill and when I took out my ink, it had spilled all over the desk and on the Ravenclaws arm.

"I am so sorry" I said quickly as I picked up my stuff.

The Ravenclaw boy stood up and looked at me, It was at that moment I realized that Ravenclaw was Sebastien. I was sure he was going to yell at me since he probably hated me but he surprisingly didn't.

"It's okay" he said calmly has he helped me pick up the spilled Ink.

"Oh dear, Sebastien you should probably go get cleaned up you have ink all over your robe" Then said professor Mcgonagall.

Sebastien nodded and left the class has I continued to pick everything up.

Once class was over, all we had was charms and then school would be over. George, Fred and I made our way to the transfiguration class room since Professor Mcgongall asked all of the Gryffindors who where on their fourth year and over to meet her there. Has we walked, we came across Sebastien walking with a girl Ravenclaws. She had blond hair and seemed younger then him.

"Sorry about earlier" I told him

"Don't worry, it's okay" he answered

We stood awkwardly looking at each other.

"Do you ming if we talk for a moment" I then say.

Sebastien nodded and George, Fred and that other Ravenclaw girl walk away.

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