Chapter 34- Charming

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Charming hated coming to the Kings' Club. He thought it was somewhat snooty. His father described it as "a place where men of distinction and sophistication could gather to discuss mutual interests". Charming described it as "a place where rich guys talked about being rich".

He usually tried his best to avoid coming, but apparently this was an important dinner. So here he was. He sighed. No doubt this was going to be boring.

He found himself idly thinking of how much more interesting it would be if Cinderella were there. He enjoyed talking to her more than he let on. She was just so kind. It was a stark difference from the rest of the world. All his life, he had dealt with people who were nice to him for the sole purpose of gaining popularity or wanted to benefit from his wealth. But with Cinderella, she seemed to be nice just because that was who she was. No, no, she wasn't just nice. She was kind. Charming admired that like he hadn't admired anyone else.

"Ah, Charming, there's Phillip and Aurora! You can go sit with them!" Charming's father exclaimed as they walked into the room. Then he caught sight of someone else he knew. "Stephen!" he exclaimed, waddling over as quickly as he could.

Charming awkwardly started weaving his way over to Phillip and Aurora's table. He felt like he was going to third wheel a bit, but anything was better than talking to adults who only asked where he wanted to go to college.

Phillip caught sight of him and waved. Charming waved back. Aurora pulled out a chair for him. He smiled. "Thanks, Aurora."

"Are you excited for the dinner?" Phillip asked with a grin. He knew how Charming felt about Kings' club.

"You know, oddly enough, I considered catching the flu last minute," he said nonchalantly.

Aurora giggled. "Well, at least the food is good."

This was not the first time Phillip, Aurora, and Charming had sat together at Kings' Club. They were probably the only thing that saved him from complete and utter boredom. It was always better when they had a table to themselves. Of course, there was usually one more person there....

"Oh, look, there's Jasmine," Aurora said, waving her friend over.

Charming put his head down and swallowed. Why did Jasmine have to be here? This whole thing was going to be so awkward.

Phillip leaned over and whispered in Charming's ear. "Dude, why do you look so freaked out?"

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her much since everyone starting shipping us...what if it gets weird?"

Phillip gave him an unimpressed look. "You guys can't go the rest of your lives not talking to each other because high schoolers are dumb. Come on. It'll be fine."

Charming wasn't sure, but then Jasmine sat down next to him. "Hey, you guys," she mumbled. She slumped and rested her head in her hand. "I do NOT want to be here."

"Same," Charming replied.

"The food, guys," Aurora stressed. "Think of the food!"

"You're too optimistic," Jasmine said flatly.

"Ooh, the buffet opened," Phillip said, looking over his shoulder.

Aurora let out a small shriek. "Oh my god, yes." She and Phillip stood up and started making their way to the buffet line. "We'll be right back!" she said over her shoulder.

Charming's heart sped up and he glared at Phillip's retreating figure. That traitor.

"Aren't you going to get food?" Jasmine said, make him jump slightly.

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