Chapter 18. Belle

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Belle laughed and clapped as people began to wheel in huge carts of food. They would spin, deposit one or two covered trays of food, then whisk the top away, laying the food out in a lavish display. Belle marveled at their gracefulness. It was almost like a dance.

"I invite you..." he said, pausing for dramatic effect, " be. Our. Guest!" He gestured dramatically. Belle laughed. It was silly, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. Lumiere had always had a flair for the dramatic.

Lumiere began to sing. "Be our guest, be our guest! Put our service to the test! Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie, and we provide the rest. Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres, why, we only live to serve, try the grey stuff, it's delicious, don't believe me? Ask the dishes!" He frowned for a moment. "Er, maids I suppose." He cleared his throat and began to sing again, dancing around the spinning maids. "They can sing, they can dance, after all, Miss, this is France!"

Belle giggled, thinking it was funny how much they loved the french influence.

"And a dinner here is never second best! Go on, unfold your menu, take a glance and then you'll be our guest, oui, our guest, be our guest!

Belle began to applaud, but Lumiere wasn't done, much to the dismay of poor Cogsworth, who seemed very upset about the whole ordeal.

"Beef raghu, cheese souffle, pie and pudding 'en flambe'! We'll prepare and serve with flair a culinary cabaret. You're alone, and you're scared, but the banquet's all prepared, no one's gloomy or complaining while the flatware is entertaining!"

Lumiere and two manservant that looked similarly pasty began to juggle wine bottles. "We tell jokes, I do tricks, With my fellow candlesticks!"

Belle smiled at this reference to their pasty skin.

"And it's all in perfect taste that you can bet! Come on and lift your glass, you've won your own free pass to be our guest, if you're stressed, it's fine dining we suggest! Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!

Suddenly, all the lights in the dining room went out. Belle jumped a bit, until a spotlight came on, featuring Lumiere and Cogsworth, the latter of whom look quite concerned. Lumiere began singing dramatically. "Life is so unnerving for a servant who's not serving. He's not whole without a soul to wait upon."

Cogsworth waved awkwardly.

Lumiere continued. "Ah, those good old days when we were useful...suddenly those good old days are gone. All these years we've been rusting, needing so much more than dusting! Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills." Lumiere stretched dramatically across the table, leaving Cogsworth look very alarmed. "Most days we just lay around the castle..." Then he jumped up. "Flabby, fat and lazy, you walked in and oops-a-daisy!"

Mrs. Potts stood up and joined in on the singing. "It's a guest, it's a guest!

Sakes alive, well I'll be blessed! Drinks been poured, and thank the Lord I've had the napkins freshly pressed. With dessert, she'll want tea, and my dear that's fine with me,

While the cups do their soft shooing I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing!" She picked up the familiar teapot from the table and began dancing around. "I'll get warm, piping hot!" She suddenly frowned, looking at the teapot. "Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot? Clean it up! We want the company impressed! We've got a lot to do, is it one lump or two? For you, our guest? She's our guest!" The whole dining room of servants joined in a terrific chorus. "She's our guest, she's our guest! Be our guest, be our guest, our command is your request. It's been years since we had anybody here, and we're obsessed! With your meal, with your ease, yes, indeed, we aim to please!" They began to slow down. "While the candlelight's still glowing, let us help you, we'll keep going...

Lumiere jumped up on the table, doing a sort of one-man kick-line to the singing of the room. "! One by one! Till you shout, 'Enough! I'm done!' Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest! Tonight you'll prop your feet up, but for now, let's eat up! Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest, please, be our guest!"

Belle applauded wildly, smiling widely. It really was a spectacular performance. Lumiere and his dancing accomplices bowed and meandered back into the kitchen.

Mrs. Potts began carefully spooning food, gesturing for Belle to do the same. She did, and found that she did not recognize many. She thought they might be French, as everything else in the house was.

"So, how was Adam today?" Mrs. Potts asked.

Cogsworth harrumphed at the sound of Adam's name.

"He was...ok," Belle said carefully.

Mrs. Potts frowned. "Have you decided on a topic yet?"

Belle sighed. "No. But it's alright. I've pulled off average projects in one night before, and we still have until right before Christmas break." She frowned. "But it's a pretty big project."

Mrs. Potts frowned. Then her face lit up with an idea. "Why don't you two go to the library tomorrow, get some inspiration?"

"That's...a wonderful idea!" Belle exclaimed, her face lighting up. The library! The library was pretty much her home away from home. She always enjoyed being there. Even if Adam had to come along.

Mrs. Potts smiled. "Does noon work for you? That way you can have plenty of time. Unless you plan on being there for ten hours." She laughed.

"I probably COULD stay there ten hours," Belle said, only half joking. "But don't worry, the library closes at seven."

Just then, a large crash sounded from upstairs. Belle jumped. Mrs. Potts raised an eyebrow, frowning. "Is Adam breaking things again?" she asked, sounding upset but resigned.

Belle's eyes widened. Again?

"I'll go check on him, if you'd like," Cogsworth offered, standing up. Mrs. Potts nodded. "Thank you. Ask him to join us, please." Cogsworth raised an eyebrow, but went.

"So, Mademoiselle Belle, what are some things you like to do?" Lumiere asked.

"Read!" Chip said excitedly.

Belle laughed. "Yes, I like to read a lot. I also like...well, reading is pretty much it. Um..."

Then he asked another question. He was a well practiced conversationalist. Occasionally, Chip would add in an exclamation of his own. Mrs. Potts mostly listened, and laughed.

Eventually, Cogsworth came back down, informing Mrs. Potts that Adam had declined to come to dinner.

"He probably yelled," Chip said, wrinkling his nose. "Adam yells a lot."

"Chip!" Cogsworth said sharply. Chip shrunk back a bit. "Sorry," he said meekly. Then, when Cogsworth had turned, he stuck out his tongue. Belle stifled a laugh.

Then the evening had passed. It went quicker than Belle had expected, and she was kind of sad to leave. As she rolled out of the driveway, she took a last glance at the beautiful house. She sighed. What a lovely place it must be to live in. 

A/N: Haha, honestly I don't ever remember it's Tuesday until it's after 6pm. 


YOU SANG THE SONG AND YOU KNOW IT. Kudos to paint_splatt for that great chapter, she's really rocking it. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks for all your support as last week we broke 1k!!!!! You have no idea how excited the both of us got after seeing that.

Enjoy the rest of your week and remember...

"Money ain't got no soul. Money ain't got no heart. All you need is some self control, build yourself a brand new start."


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