Chapter 23. Belle

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"...and that's where the folklore about King Arthur ends," Adam finished triumphantly, clicking to the final slide on their PowerPoint. It showed a picture of King Arthur and his knights from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a satirical movie on his life. They had watched it together. Belle had found it quite funny, if a little silly, but Adam LOVED it. They had decided to finish up the presentation that way.

Belle looked at him, her eyes shining. He had come so far from the boy at the beginning of the quarter who cared little for anything, especially school. Now here he was, doing the PowerPoint part of the presentation while she presented the trifold. The PowerPoint required much more public speaking, which is why she was surprised when he actually offered to do that part.

The class clapped politely. "Splendid, splendid!" Professor Merlin said. "That was wonderful! Really, a fantastic subject you've chosen here." He muttered something else about how proud he was of Arthur, but Belle figured she misheard that.

Belle gathered up the trifold and sat back down at her table. Milo leaned over to her. "Hey, that was pretty good! You guys chose a good topic. Professor Merlin seemed thrilled." He smiled. "Funny name, huh?"

Just then, Professor Merlin called Milo and his partner Kida up to the front, and they began to set up their presentation on Explorations to an Enigma: The History of the Quest for Atlantis.

Tiana leaned across the table. "Not bad!" she said with a smile.

"Not bad yourself," Belle replied. "Naveen is really good at the whole stage-presence thing." Their project had been on the History of Voodoo, and was actually extremely interesting. "So, did he end up doing work?"

Tiana laughed quietly. "Sort of. He pitched in a lot right there at the end. And he taught me something."

"Oh?" Belle said, smiling wryly.

Tiana grinned sheepishly. "Not about school or anything. Just about life. The balance between work and messing around."

"Well, good," Belle said, and she meant it. That was something Tia desperately needed to learn. "And I think you taught him something too," she added in a conspiratorial whisper.


Belle ran into Adam right outside the classroom. "Hey!" she exclaimed, "good job! I think we really nailed that, don't you?"

He smiled. "Yeah. Thanks. I'll probably get a better grade on that than..." he looked away and blushed. "Well, better than anything else I've gotten this year."

"Well you deserve it," Belle said firmly.

"Hey, uh, Belle?" he asked awkwardly, looking down at his hands. He looked nervous. Really nervous. Belle was confused. "Yeah?"

"I was just, uh, wondering..." he mumbled. He trailed off, blushing fiercely.

"Yes?" Belle said, an amused air sneaking into her voice.

"Do you...? I mean, if you wanted to...would you ever? I mean..." He finally closed his eyes. "Would you like to go to the winter ball...with me?"

He slowly cracked an eye open and looked at her hopefully.

She smiled. "Of course!" He took a breath. "Oh. Really? Wow, I"

She giggled. "I have to go to class, but...I look forward to it." Her gaze softened. "I really do."

Then she turned and walked away, her heart pounding and a smile refusing to leave her face.


Mrs. Potts approached her at the end of the day as she was walking through the halls to leave. "Belle!" she exclaimed. "You said yes!"

It took Belle a moment to realize what she was talking about; then she smiled. "Of course I said yes."

Mrs. Potts smiled happily. "Oh, my dear, you simply MUST come to our house to prepare! I have just the dress!"

Belle laughed. "Are you sure?"

"Oh, yes, of course! It will fit you perfectly! It was Adam's mother's, and you two are you just about the same size. If not, we can alter it."

Belle's smile faded. "Do you think Adam will be ok with that? Me wearing his mother's dress, I mean."

Mrs. Potts put a hand on her shoulder. "My dear, I think he'll love it."


Belle arrived at the mansion nervously. She had spent a lot of time in the enormous house in the past few months, but it still intimidated her. She parked her car off to the side and walked up to the door. It opened before she even had the chance to knock.

"Belle!" Cogsworth said with delight. "Do come in! Mrs. Potts is waiting for you." He held the door open and she walked in with a nervous smile.

"Belle!" Mrs. Potts exclaimed, hustling down the stairs. "Come, come, we'll have you ready in no time!" She practically dragged Belle up the stairs and to a room. A happy looking women wearing too much lipstick stood in the corner. "Oh, hello! Mrs. Potts has told me so much about you! Let's see if I have something in my drawers."

Belle blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

But the women had only been referring to the white curvy wardrobe beside her. She opened the doors before Mrs. Potts cleared her throat. "Remember the dress we discussed?"

The woman looked confused for a moment before understanding dawn on her face. "OOOOH!!! Right! That one!" She winked. "I can't wait to see you in it!"

Belle was slightly frightened.


Adam paced the bottom floor, fruitlessly trying to calm his nerves. He was surprised that Belle had actually accepted his offer, and the reality was still settling in. Even after hours and hours of washing and having his hair done and his clothes pressed and Lumiere fretting over every little thing, he couldn't believe the winter dance was tonight.

Just then, he heard a throat being cleared on the stairs. He looked up to see Cogsworth standing there with a suspicious smirk. "Your lady awaits," he announced with a dramatic sweep of his hand.

Adam turned his head and his heart stopped.

She descended as gracefully as an angel, her hair seemingly made of clouds. Her dress was yellow--no, golden--and trailed behind like sunbeams. Adam was by no means a poet, but Belle had introduced him to Shakespeare, and a particular phrase from Romeo and Juliet stuck in his head. "Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear, beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear...did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." At the thought, he restrained a blush.

Belle didn't say a word, but took his arm with a sheepish smile, and they walked slowly to the door. Adam felt like he was gliding. It was just then that he noticed her dress. It used to belong to his mother.

And in that moment, he decided, she had never looked more radiant.


Hey all! Hope you enjoyed reading this because i sure enjoyed writing it :-) What did you think of Adam's little Shakespeare moment? He's a cutie hehe

I hope everyone is enjoying January. January is a cool month. In Latin, it's lanuarius. FUN FACTS!!!

Hope you have an eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious day (it means good; I'm serious look it up). MORE FUN FACTS!!!

And remember...

"The ancients spoke of it. It is the heart of this fierce land. It is carried in the wind. Born of our legends and when we are put to the test, it is the one thing that we must always be."


PS. I am now hijacking this message to tell you guys to wish paint good luck on her midterms coming up. The girl has been working hard, I don't know how she cranked out most of this chapter in one night, it's amazing. Ok yeah, I'm gonna go now since this was supposed to be her author's note and I'm kinda taking over it now. ReadingObsessedSteph out. 

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