Chapter 14. The Muses

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"Aladdin, what do you think you're doing?" Thalia asked, an eyebrow raised.

He mischievously smiled as he backed away from the Muses' off limits desk. In his pocket, a phone sized bulge could be seen. In fact, it was exactly the size of the phone Calli had taken from him earlier on in class.

"Won't you get in trouble?" Alice asked, who had curiously been watching him the entire time.

Aladdin chuckled, "Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught!" He whirled around to go back to his seat, running smack into a frowning Calli. "I'm in trouble!" he yelped, turning to run away. She caught him by the back of his shirt, and he flailed fruitlessly. She held out her hand with an obvious message. He sulkily surrendered his phone and grumbled his way back to his seat.

"Alright class, please give your attention to the lovely Ms. Poly, who will be leading you in warmups. Thalia, Erato, Clio, and I need to speak with each other for a few seconds." She led the three other teachers into the office.
"So," she said as soon as the door closed, "student solos. What have we got so far?"

"Well," Clio said, pulling out some notes, "we have songs written for Herc, Merida, Ariel, and Mulan. And we're working on one for Shang." She rose an eyebrow at her notes. "He might need some backup singers."

"I just love Merida's song," Erato sighed.

Calli nodded. "I think we need a few moments to discuss our pretty lil' situation with Ms. Mulan."

"What do you mean, situation?" Clio asked. "She solved her problem, didn't she? She's pretty much the celebrity of the football team."

"That girl showed them who's boss," Thalia declared. The other Muses muttered their agreement.

"Exactly," Calli said. "She has one of the strongest hearts of any kid I've ever met, and besides, she has a spectacular voice. I want to see the solo you've written for her."

Erato rustled through a folder until she found the sheet music, the notes and lyrics still penciled in. "It's called 'Reflection'. It's not very long," she said apologetically.

"That's ok," Calli said, scanning the words. "Can you sing it for me real quick?"

Erato turned to the piano. "Alright, but I'm not gonna do it super good. It needs a softer voice." She played a short introduction and began to sing. It started of soft and slow. "Look at me. I will never pass for a perfect girl, or a perfect daughter. Can it be I'm not meant to play this part?" The song began to grow. "Now I see that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart." The song flowed into a crescendo, and Erato let her voice ring out loudly. "Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried. When will my reflection show who I am inside?" The song suddenly quieted. "When will my reflection show who I am inside?"
Erato played a short conclusion, then stood up, turned around, and gave a sweeping bow.

The Muses applauded. "Good," Calli mused, "Very, very, good."

"You sound like Christina Aguilera," Thalia remarked.

"It's a lot better suited for Mulan's voice," Clio explained. "If she has the acting and musicianship to pull off the phrasing, this song could be gold."
Calli nodded slowly. "I think that's exactly what might happen," she mused.

"So are we good?" Thalia asked, peering through the window of the office. "Cuz it looks like Poly is handling a mutiny uprising right now."

The Muses quieted, listening to the shouts coming from the other room.
"She can hold off a few minutes," Calli decided. "I want your input. Who else do you think has a story to tell through music?"

"Well, this hasn't actually happened yet," Erato suggested, "but I heard Belle got paired with Adam for a Social Studies project."

"Wonder how that's going to turn out," Thalia mumbled underneath her breath.

Immediately, Calli raced to the window, shoving Thalia aside. She peered through the glass, watching as Belle sat in the midst of the class struggle, trying to calm everyone down, as Adam sat in the corner, sulking.
"I wonder indeed," she said thoughtfully.

A/N: The Muses know their stuff man, don't try to mess around with them.

Hey guys! Hope you had a safe and spook-tacular Halloween! I know I enjoyed mine, I got TONS of candy that will probably be gone soon with my brothers and the rest of my family there to eat it. Anyways, how about that Muse chapter though? It had been some time since the Muses got a whole chapter to themselves so we definitely had fun with this one.

Like always, thanks for reading and for all your support!!!!! Shoutout to @jlh311 for being our 100th voter and @Horus1922 for bringing it up to 102! This is so amazing and we couldn't thank you guys enough!

Enjoy the rest of your week and remember...

"You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. The only limit is your soul."

Signing out,


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