Chapter 3. Mulan

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Chapter 3. Mulan

"So kid let me go over this again. You, a girl, want to try out and be part of the," Coach Phil stopped and tried to keep a straight face, "football team?"

Mulan nodded seriously and wondered what he found so funny about the situation. She had looked at a lot of school sports rulebooks during her free period, and nothing in it prohibited her from trying out.

"Football? Ha, you wanna... try out... for football?" he said in between bursts of laughter. The short, burly man leaned against the wall for support as if the idea of a girl wanting to be part of the football team was such a preposterous one.

"And what's so hilarious about that?" Mulan asked.

"Don't get me wrong, but you? A football player? You look more like a D.I.D."

"A D.I.D.?"

He waved it off as unimportant, "It means a Damsel In Distress. Anyways kid, you'd be trampled out there."

"I'm a fast runner, I can catch a football, and I know all the rules."

"Two words: you're a girl."

Mulan counted three words in that sentence but shrugged it off and continued her argument.

"Why should my gender get in the way of being able to play?"

Phil sighed, "Kid, it's not just that. If the guys knew I let a girl try out, and she actually made it, do you know what would happen? They'd flatten you into a discus. And what about all the other school teams? We'd be humiliated!"

"They don't have to know," Mulan countered.

Coach Phil stroked his chin and thought about it. He agreed to letting her tryout but it came with one condition. "You've got to make sure the guys don't ever see you in that locker room without your helmet or any equipment on, got it? Don't let too many people know about it either, stuff like this spreads around here faster than the plague."

Mulan nodded her head and continued listening, paying rapt attention to show that she was serious about joining. Chi Fu wouldn't know about it, but she was determined to prove girls could play football just as well and even better than boys.

"You also gotta wear a jersey with a number on the back of it so I can call you by that instead of your name during tryouts. Get the papers signed and turned in by next week, and I can't believe I'm saying this but then you'll be able to try out for the team."

She smiled and thanked him, hurrying to make it to her next class in time. Mulan plopped down into her seat just as the bell rang, and a short dark haired woman with a bob haircut of sorts entered the room. She walked in as if she could command everyone in the world with a few words. Mulan had heard quite a few stories about this lady, many of them insinuating that she was a wacko teacher with quite a passion for teaching sewing and other apparel courses.

"Hello Darlings, I'm Edna and I will be your teacher," she introduced herself. "In this class you'll be free to design whatever you want. I will randomly assign days where you must turn a piece of your work in."

A girl in the back of the class spoke up, " what should the piece we turn in look like?"

"Well I am sure I do not know, darling. Luck favors the prepared, just have a piece ready to be evaluated." Edna answered. "Though each quarter there will be a specific assignment for you to also be working on. This quarter is to design a super suit, one that a superhero could use."

Mulan couldn't see the girl from where she was seated but the same voice spoke up again, "Can we-"

Edna interrupted, "Words are useless, darling. Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble! Too much of it, too much. Your only constraint is that it has to be a super suit."

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