Chapter 6. Mulan

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Chapter 6. Mulan

Mulan gulped as Shang took one step closer, Chi Fu following behind.

"What's your name?" Shang asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Uh..." Mulan stuttered, she hadn't thought that far ahead in the plan.

"The captain just asked you a question, answer!" Chi Fu demanded.

"I've got a name, and it's a boy's name too!" she countered. "It's... uh..."

"Try uh, uh, ah chu," Mushu said through the earpiece.

"Ah Chu," Mulan immediately answered.

"Ah Chu?" Shang asked incredulously.

"Gesundheit," Mushu chuckled.


"Mushu? Is that your name?" Shang sounded even angrier. Chi Fu seemed to be enjoying the direction their conversation was heading to.

"Uh, no!" Mulan said.

"Then what is it?"

"Say Ping," Mushu cut in.

"It's Ping," Mulan said, happy to finally have a name.


"Yes, my name is Ping."

"Alright then Ping, I don't need anyone causing trouble on my team."

Mulan let out a sigh and looked down at her feet, "sorry."

"You're a man, don't apologize!" Mushu exclaimed.

"Uh I mean sorry you had to see that. You know how it is when you get those manly urges," Mulan said in the deep and gruff voice she had been using earlier. "You just gotta kill something, fix things, uh cook outdoors..."

Shang nodded suspiciously but took a step forward to make an announcement for the rest who were trying out. "Men, thanks to your new pal Ping over here, you'll be running laps for all of today."

Groans were let out, and already a group of boys were encircling Mulan, fists ready to punch. She quickly ran out of the locker room and onto the field.

"We really got to work on your man skills too, they're seriously lacking," Mushu said.

"I'm sorry that I don't have the experience," she retorted. She somehow pulled out the earpiece while keeping her helmet on, and placed it to the side, leaving Mushu to talk to himself. She started running the laps with all the others, who kept trying to trip and push her. It was going to be a long two hours.


It was the second day of tryouts and it didn't seem to be getting any easier for Mulan. The day before they didn't do anything but run laps, and while she was fast, long distance wasn't exactly her forte. She was falling behind compared to the other boys and there were only two days left of tryouts. If she didn't up her game, her name would be on the first cut list the next morning. It worried her as she came out on the field late, because of Mushu's last second man lessons. They were all in line as Mulan jumped in at the end. Shang walked in front of them, giving all of them a scrutinizing glare.

"Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns," he said, referencing to Disney High's archrival in football, the Huntingtown Huns. He looked down at the boys trying out in front of him and pushed an unsuspecting scraggly one down to the ground.

"Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?"

"Pretty boy doesn't have to rhyme to make us understand," Yao mumbled.

Shang appeared to have caught the last part of what Yao said as he marched straight in front of him and yelled out loud to the team. "You're the saddest bunch I've ever met, but you can bet before we're through." He turned around and walked towards Mulan, looking her dead in the eye."Mister, I'll make a man out of you."

He called for everyone to circle up for some stretches and warm ups, leading every single one. All of the boys there- and Mulan- were having trouble stretching as far as Shang could, they weren't very flexible. "Take deep breaths in and out," he instructed them. "Relax your muscles."

"This isn't relaxing at all," Yao complained.

"Tranquil as the forest, but on fire within. Once you find your center, you are sure to win," Shang informed the group. He got up to see how everyone was struggling to touch their toes with their legs straight. "You're a spineless, weak, pathetic lot. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man, out of you." He clapped his hands once, signaling the end of their stretches. "Time to run!"

Yao pushed Mulan down while she tried to get back up to get on the track.

"I'm never gonna catch my breath," Chien Po huffed after they had run more than two miles.

"Say goodbye to those who knew me," Yao grumbled right next to him.

"Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym," Ling whined.

Mulan shook her head and looked over to the bleachers, surprised to find Mushu sitting down watching them. Once she was done with her laps she headed over there, wondering what he wanted.

"I'm just supporting my friend and making sure my lessons actually helped. I gotta say though that guy's got 'em scared to death," Mushu said pointing over to Shang.

"Hope he doesn't see right through me," Mulan whispered. She then waved goodbye and went back to where everyone was stretched out on the grass.

"Ping, come over here," Shang commanded.

Mulan quickly walked over to where he was, scared that he might know that she was a girl.

"I am just letting you know that at this rate you aren't going to make the team. You're unsuited for the rage of war, that is known as football. If you don't show that you can keep up with the team, you'll have to pack up, go home, and be through. How could I make a man out you?"

Mulan was crushed by what he said, but she nodded in understanding and walked off. She was suddenly hit by a wave of new determination, determination to be a part of the football team. Nothing was going to get in her way now.

A/N: Who sang the song? YOU KNOW YOU SANG THE SONG! Things are getting intense now aren't they? The Huns are a pretty tough football team, who knows what will happen 0_0 How will the poor, small, pathetic, football team triumph against the undefeatable Huns?! THIS IS GETTING SCARY EVEN THOUGH I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT FOOTBALL!!!

We hope you liked this chapter, and we hope you like your life too, because that's always a good thing to like. Happy life-ing to all of you.

Not gonna lie, I'm writing this pretty late at night and I'm not sure if any of this is comprehensible to you guys, I really hope so, go waffles, whoooooop waffles are great.

And remember...

"I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." ~Edna Mode, The Incredibles (P.S. WHO IS EXCITED FOR INCREDIBLES 2!!!!!)


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