Bonus. Decorating Crew

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"Thank you all so much for coming out to help," Aurora said, carrying out a box of streamers. "Most of you aren't even on student council!" She winked, setting the box down. "Special thanks from your class president."

"Well, we haven't got much time," Alice said, flouncing over to the box. "It seems like no one has time anymore."

"I don't understand," Eilonwy whispered to Ariel, who shrugged.

Lined up and ready to help was the decorating team for the Winter Ball, Rapunzel, Quasi, Eilonwy, Alice, and Ariel. Rapunzel was currently rolling out two huge sheets of paper to paint banners on, and Quasi was carrying out tables to put snacks on. Aurora, Ariel, and Alice began to take out streamers.

"What should this banner say?" Rapunzel called to Aurora.

"Hm," Aurora mused, pausing with her hands on her hips. "I think one saying 'Winter Ball' would be nice."

"The other should say 'Winter Wonderland'," Alice chirped in.

Aurora smiled. "I like that."

"Okey-dokey!" Rapunzel said, rolling up her sleeves in preparation to paint. "Eilonwy, if you aren't doing anything, could you paint the background of that other banner light blue?"

"Of course," Eilonwy replied simply, getting to work.

Ariel put on some music, and in a few minutes, the small team was hard at work. Quasi had dubbed Aurora, Ariel, and Alice as the "A Team", as they ran around together for the majority of the evening. They took a break around 5 o'clock, Rapunzel coming over to talk to Aurora and Ariel.

"Hey guys," she said, trying to rub some paint off her hands. "My friend Gunter just texted me, he's into interior design and was wondering if he could come help."

"The more the merrier!" Aurora said with a smile.

"Awesome," Rapunzel said, pulling out her phone to respond.

"Did you guys know that Belle is going to the dance with Adam?" Ariel said with a slight grin.

Aurora gasped. "Really?"

Ariel nodded. "M-hm. They've been working on a social studies project together, and she says he's actually pretty nice."

"Awww," Rapunzel said, hopping from foot to foot excitedly.

"I ship it!" Aurora sang.

"What does 'ship' mean?" Alice said, looking over at them, not at all ashamed that she had been eavesdropping.

"It's when you want two people to get together even if they haven't admitted to liking each other," Ariel explained.

"Aw," Quasi said quietly. "That's really nice. People see love even if they aren't sure it's there."

"I never thought about it that way," Rapunzel said with a smile. "Awww. That is cute!"

"I think it's lovely!" Eilonwy declared.

"Do you know anyone else going together?" Ariel asked Aurora excitedly.

Aurora smiled. "Well, I know Mulan is going with Shang, although I'm not sure either of them are very excited about coming. Hercules is going with Meg, and quite frankly, I think those two are PERFECT for one another."

"Ooh, and Tiana is going with Naveen," Rapunzel added.

"WHAT?!" Ariel exclaimed. "She didn't tell me!"

"Tiana is probably still getting used to the fact that she likes a boy," Aurora commented. "Recently, she hasn't had time to. I'm so glad she's finally going easy on herself. A little."

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