Chapter 26. The Muses

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"Now Thalia when we go in there..." Calli warned as she straightened out all the materials needed for their meeting with the headmaster.

"I know, I know. You've been telling me a million times!" Thalia complained. She crossed her pudgy arms against her chest and defiantly raised her head up high, "But I can't just hide my personality! Might be easier for you, since you ain't got one, but-"

"Have y'all seen my song folder? I thought I had it in my bag but I don't see it," Clio interrupted in a frenzy.

Erato came up behind her, "Here it is! I was just looking over what we had to show the headmaster. First year, we've got to make a goooooooood impression!"

"Why have we been standing outside his door for five minutes? I'm sure he can hear us through it," Poly said.

A jolly laugh broke out from behind them. "I'm sure if I was in my office, I would have been able to hear. But that's not the case, is it?"

The five muses slowly turned around to face the headmaster, embarrassed that they had been caught acting that way in front of their boss.

He smiled, amused. He was very laid back, as principals went, and the Muses never failed to entertain him. He moved past them wordlessly, unlocked the door, and gestured for them to follow him inside. They compliantly entered and sat down at the five seats arranged in front of his desk.

"So, how have you been enjoying your time at Disney High?" The headmaster asked as he adjusted his swiveling chair.

"We've been enjoying it sir!" Erato answered.

"Any troublemakers in class?"

"Nope!" Erato replied again cheerily. Thalia snorted and the headmaster raised an eyebrow. "Knowing my students, I doubt that."

"There IS Aladdin," Poly pointed out. "And Peter is pretty immature. And Naveen. Well, Naveen got better."

"They mostly talk a lot," Clio said, deadpan.

The headmaster laughed. "I can't say I'm surprised. The relationships between the students are good, then?"

The muses nodded emphatically. "Almost too good," Calli said, cracking a smile.

"I HAVE A SHIP LIST!" Erato squealed excitedly. The five in the room stared at her. She slowly shrunk in her chair. "Sorry," she squeaked.

"No, no," the headmaster said, amused, "go on."

"Weeeeell," she said slowly. "There's Mulan and Shang, obviously."

"Haha, Shulan," Thalia chuckled.

Erato shot her a look but then continued. "Meg and Hercules I'm PRETTY SURE are a thing, Tiana and Naveen are perfect, I'm pretty sure Phillip likes Aurora and I could totally see that. Rapunzel and Flynn would be adorable, I can't decide between Quasi and Esmeralda and Phoebus and Esmeralda, and HOW COULD I FORGET ADAM AND BELLE!!! THEIR SHIP NAME IS ADELLE!!! HOW CUTE IS THAT?!?!"

The headmaster slowly smiled. Erato grinned sheepishly. She hadn't intended to get carried away. But he laughed good-naturedly. "I'm glad to see you care so much about your students."

The muses laughed. "Hey, you're a pretty cool boss," Thalia said. "I thought bosses were supposed to be all mean and scary."

The man laughed. "I suppose I'm not your typical boss." He leaned forward slightly, his demeanor suddenly growing more serious. "What I really wanted to ask you about was the competition."

Calli interceded at this point. "Everything is going right on schedule. We have at least one potential soloist, about half of the songs written, and started working on our first group piece."

"Oh?" he asked, deeply interested. "What is it?"

"It's called the 'Circle of Life'," Calli responded, flipping her binder open to show him the sheet music. "We wrote it with very strong African roots, and we'll need a strong voice to pull off the solo, but I think we can do it."

"I have an idea for the soloist," Poly muttered.

The headmaster didn't hear her, and moved on. "Who was the first potential soloist you mentioned?"

"Mulan Fah," Calli said, flipping through her binder again. "Her song is called 'Reflection'. It's real pretty, Erato sang it for us."

Erato flushed with pride.

The headmaster looked surprised. "I know Mulan Fah and her family very well. Are you sure? This doesn't seem like her."

"We haven't technically asked her yet," Clio added. Calli glared at her. "The point is, she has an amazing voice and an amazing story. I think she'll do fine."

The headmaster nodded seriously. "Any others?"

"That's it for right now," Poly said.

"Actually..." Calli drawled slowly. The muses turned to her, confused. Calli pulled a napkin out of the pocket of the binder. "I was thinking about Belle."

"And decided not to share?" Thalia demanded.

Calli shrugged. "Hadn't gotten around to it. Anyways, Mrs. Potts wrote this poem about her and Adam, and...I think it's perfect. If you can write it for Belle's voice, of course."

She passed the napkin to Poly, Clio, and Erato, who scanned the words, mumbling and nodding. Calli turned to the headmaster, suddenly embarrassed. "Sorry, headmaster."

"It's fine," he assured her. "I'm delighted to hear about it as the year progresses. You all may go, and thank you."

The muses stood and walked out, three of them still engrossed in the napkin. Thalia gave a peace sign on the way out.

"How come we just call him headmaster, instead of Mr.-"

The door closed before he could hear the rest of Thalia's sentence.

The headmaster slowly got up from his seat and paced the perimeter of his office. He checked the time and hurried over to the back counter where two mice started squeaking at his arrival.

"Hello Mickey and Minnie, how has your day been?" He asked.

Mickey and Minnie looked up from their cage, noses twitching. They looked at him expectantly.

"You heard about the choir progress," he mused. "I told you everything would be fine."

Minnie jumped onto a higher ledge in excitement and Mickey began shuffling around in the wood chips.

"My thoughts exactly," he said, sounding satisfied. Mickey suddenly squeaked and cocked his head to the side as if asking a question.

The headmaster nodded wisely. "Yes, I think they will Mickey." He reached down into the cage to pet Mickey behind the ears. "I really think they will."

A/N: Well hello there stranger ;)

Sorry for not uploading last week but things got a little hectic. As paint_splatt posted on her personal profile, she was sick and I had behind the wheel (the actual driving part of drivers ed).  Also we kinda forgot it was Wednesday again. We didn't realize it till Thursday XD Therefore uploads will go back to the original Tuesday schedule.

Now that all the technical stuff is out of the way, how ya doing? Did you enjoy this chapter? Have your own ship list like Erato? Did you remember to feed your pet?

Have a great day lovelies and remember...

"Like so many things, it is not what's outside, but what is inside that counts."


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