Chapter 2. Mulan

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Chapter 2. Mulan

"Little brother!" Mulan yelled out into the hallway. Sliding out of her bedroom with socks on, she almost slammed into the wall but at the last second caught herself. She whistled for the puppy to come and within a second he was there. "Come on little brother," she motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen. There Mulan poured dog food into his bowl and quickly scarfed down some cereal herself. She heard someone shuffle around in her parents' room and knew by the footsteps that it was her father. She prepared hot tea for him and with the pot and cups in hand, turned around.

"Father I brought your-" Mulan collided straight into his chest, dropping a cup and letting it shatter on the floor.

"Mulan!" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

"I brought a spare," she added handing him the extra filled with tea.


"Remember what the doctor said, three cups of tea in the morning and three at night."

"Mulan, what are you doing here? It's the first day of school, you'll be late if you don't hurry. Is that what you'll be wearing?" He asked with a hint of disapproval.  She looked down to find her jean shorts that matched the blue tank top and green cardigan that went over it. In her eyes there wasn't anything wrong but Mulan knew she had to change into something nicer.

    She shook her head no and swiftly made it back to her room where her mother had already laid out a conservative white, pink, and purple striped dress. Sighing, she changed out of her old outfit but mentally thanked her grandma for subtlety leaving a bag of clothes to change back into. Mulan grabbed her backpack and walked out the front door to see her father sitting on the porch.

"Have a good day, make sure to get all A's. You are our daughter, you must follow in our academic footsteps to maintain the family's honor," he reminded.

Mulan nodded, "Yes Father."

He smiled and gave her a hug, letting go so she could make it to the bus on time. Mulan waved and walked off to the bus stop. She barely made it on time as the bus driver honked and yelled.

"Hurry up, would ya?" The man shouted.

Mulan hopped on and slid into the seat next to a redheaded boy.

"Mulan why do you look like a candy cane? Is it Christmas time already? Where's my present?"

"One more word Mushu and you won't wake up till it's Christmas," Mulan muttered.

"Aww that's my girl. Remember a sass a day keeps the losers away!" Mushu exclaimed. "Now come on, perk up. It's the first day of school, we gotta arrive in style. "

"And how do we do that?" Mulan asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mushu slipped on a pair of shades, using his other hand to slick back his bright red hair. "Jump back! I'm pretty hot, huh?" He said in a deeper, suave voice.

Mulan shook her head but couldn't help the smile that came to her face. "You've got a pair for me?"

"Of course, who do you think I am? Man, I ain't no lazy bum friend!" Mushu shuffled around in his seat as he searched his bag for another pair. Finally he pulled out a similar pair of sleek black shades and handed them to Mulan. She placed them on top of her head for the time being and listened to Mushu's new rants. He was in the middle of another complaint when the bus lurched to a stop and they had arrived at school. They secured their bags, which had fallen to the floor, and looked at each other.

"You ready Mulan?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

The two waited as the students in front of them got off. Mulan thanked the bus driver, while Mushu reprimanded him on his reckless use of the brakes.

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