She's an Angel with a Shotgun Ch.24

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***Sorry for the wait, I'm trying to upload as quickly as I can, but I seem to be falling behind. The wedding chapter will be up soon, so this is kind of a filler chapter. The next chapter is going to be a lot more exciting. I did have a picture that I had edited for the Dagger Siblings, but I can't upload it here. It is on polyvore, so if you want to see what I kind of planned them to look like, you can click on the external link on the side of the page.***


Fast Forward a Little Bit

“That's crazy,” Charlie said as he looked at the letter his mother had sent us. “Why in the world is she doing this?”

“It can't be that bad,” I said as I exited the bathroom, still brushing out my hair. “What did she say?” He glanced over at me as I came out, a scowl on his face.

“She's picked out all the food for the wedding, she's placed an order for a cake without asking and now she wants you to go dress shopping with her today,” he said, rolling his eyes and throwing the letter onto bedside table, running his hand through his hair, messing it up even more.

“It's fine Charlie, soon all of this will be over and she'll calm down some,” I told him, kissing him lightly before going to put the brush back. “The wedding is almost here anyway.”

“I just hope this all calms down some time soon, but I doubt that's going to happen.”

My brother had been trying to introduce Charlie to what our family does and what groups we support. Of course Charlie found the thought of killing people still a little bit overwhelming, but he'd been dealing with it better than some people would have. He had actually been doing extremely well adjusting to this lifestyle, while also keeping up appearances at his job and in public. Everything seemed to be going pretty good.

“I guess I should head over and see if Sil wants to go wedding dress shopping with me.”

“Yeah, you're definitely going to need someone to support you when dealing with my mum.”

“It'll be fine, Charlie. You're stressing out too much about this. I'll see you later.”

“Fine,” he said, pulling me close and kissing me once more. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I told him softly, a smile coming to my face. “I should get going, I don't want your mum to get too impatient with me.”

“Have fun then, I have to get to work.” he told me, heading for the bathroom. I glanced at the mirror to make sure I looked okay before getting heading downstairs to grab something to eat quick.

I had thrown on a light, loose black pullover, a pair of black and gray leopard print pants and black wedges. I had grabbed an orange, beaded necklace and my black purse just in case something happened and so that I had money with me.

I was a little worried about going dress shopping, I wasn't even sure I would find a dress that I felt like a bride in. I had just never been the girl to dream about her wedding day. I grabbed a piece of toast and ate it quickly before apparating to Sil's apartment. Luckily she answered right away, looking as if she was ready to go somewhere.

“Oh hey Liz!” she said. “Did you want to do something today, I was just going to go to the mall, your brother left one of his credit cards out,” she gave me a wicked grin, probably imagining the fight the was going to occur after she bought all the stuff she wanted.

“Actually, Charlie's mum wants me to go wedding dress shopping with her today and I was wondering if you wanted to come help me out. I need someone that I know is going to agree to the dress I like. Plus since you're going to be my Maid of Honor, I figured you'd want to come.”

She's an Angel with a Shotgun (Charlie Weasley Love Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now