She's an Angel with a Shotgun Ch.11

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***Luckily I had the chance to write this week and managed to get to a computer to update, but next week I won't have the time to. Hopefully I'll be able to post once I get back to Internet access, but until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter***


“And you had nothing to do with any of this?” Dumbledore asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

“No, I didn't. I was as shocked as anyone when Harry's name came from the goblet!” I exclaimed, I was tired of being drilled like this.

“I'm sure you can understand why we're questioning you about this Miss. Dagger.” said the Fudge, who was also seated across from me.

“No actually I can not. Since I was younger I've had to hear about you going after my family over nothing more than a rumor and I'm extremely tired of this. Why can't you just leave all this stupidity and stop treating my family and I this way, we've been through enough,” I said, glaring at Fudge and his guards. A little ways away from us stood a man named Kingsley, who I had dealt with before as well. Fudge glared back, but before he was able to say anything Dumbledore stepped in.

“Well then, since there is nothing more to say, you can now go.” I nodded, getting to my feet and walking out of the room.

“So how did it go?” Charlie asked as soon as I got out of the Headmaster's office.

“Fine, I guess. I have a feeling that I'm going to be followed for a little while,” I told him, glancing around us to see if the Minister had already called someone to come after me.

“You certainly know how to put Fudge on edge.” he told me with a smirk.

“Trust me, I try. Now we have plans to go to Hogsmeade today, so lets go.” I linked arms with him, dragging him with me as we began walking to where the train stopped. They were allowing some students to go to Hogmeade and this was just the break I had been looking forward to.

“How long has it been since you've been to Hogsmeade?” Charlie asked as we boarded the train, heading into one of the compartments.

“Lets just say I've had a meeting there before.” I told him, watching for any suspicious behavior. I seemed to have drawn quite a lot of attention since Harry's name was drawn from the goblet of fire. My brother found out, so now the whole gang knows about it. I didn't doubt that the other death eaters knew about it too, although I had a feeling that they were the ones behind it anyway. Dumbledore had been paying more attention to me and the Fudge had been sending a lot of people to follow me.

“I'm hoping that didn't turn violent.”

“Trust me Charlie, most meetings turn violent. Others just give you time to plan an attack on that person later on.”

We reached Hogsmeade and got off the train, deciding to stop for some firewhisky. Once we were done we decided to go for a walk, heading down toward where the shrieking shack was.

“It's hard to understand you sometimes, love,” Charlie told me, his arm wrapped around my waist as we walked.

“And why do you say that?”

“Because you always have a hard time connecting with people.”

“Are you talking about me refusing to say much about my life to your brothers and their friends.”

“Part of it,” He told me with a smile.

“I trust you Charlie, that doesn't mean I'm going to automatically trust everyone else. Besides, if I say anything, I have a feeling it would end up being reported to Dumbledore. I like to believe that there's something about my life that he doesn't know.” I told him, shoving him slightly. Before I could move away from him at all, he grabbed a hold of my sweater and dragged me closer to him.

She's an Angel with a Shotgun (Charlie Weasley Love Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now