She's an Angel with a Shotgun Ch. 15

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***Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but I'll make sure the next chapter is longer! Next chapter is the Yule Ball!***


Hermione continued to stare me down as I waited patiently for her to stop acting like this. Ginny stood beside her, looking extremely unsure about what was going on.

“I don't want to hurt either of you and I must certainly don't want to erase your memories, but if that's what it comes to, that's what must be done.” I stood there, watching as Hermione slowly lowered her wand. “See, that was a smart choice. Are you ready to continue on now?” I asked them cheerfully, turning away and beginning to walk once more.

“You really are her aren't you?” I heard Ginny's soft voice say from behind me.

“I'm who?” I asked her with a sigh.

“Your the famous Elizabeth Dagger who helps lead the Dagger Dragons. A group that hurts people and tortures them for your own gain. You rob and blackmail and you murder people.” her voice cracked slightly. “I thought that maybe you really were a good person inside, but then when I really think about it all, I begin to wonder how you really met my brother. And then I wonder if that after you leave this place because you get bored or something, you'll do the same to my brother and manage to get away with it all.”

“I would never do something like that to him, Ginny. I understand that you might think of me as a horrible person and that you might believe that I love to hurt people and their families and to be honest, I can accept that. You can think of me anyway you like because to be honest, after all these years, I just don't care anymore. But you saying that I'm going to hurt or kill your brother is too far. I really do care about him Ginny, whether you believe me or not. So, now that we're done with this, I'm going to go to the Three Broomsticks,” I turned away from them, walking out of the alleyway and toward the store, not even looking behind me to see if they were following me there.

“Hey, love,” Charlie said as I entered the pub and sat down next to him. I pulled him to me and kissed him as though it was the last chance I would get to. “It's nice to know you missed me that much,” he told me with a smirk.

“Your sister thinks I'm going to kill you,” I mumbled as he slid a Butterbeer over to me. He raised his eyebrows, watching as I took a sip.

“Are you sure that's what she meant? She could have meant something else.” I shook my head in disagreement.

“No, she and Hermione stopped me in the alleyway and demanded that I admit that I was a leader of the Dagger Dragons. Then Ginny told me that although she didn't think I was that bad in the beginning, she does question what's going to happen to you when I decide to leave.” I explained as I continued to down the drink.

“I think this calls for something a little stronger,” Charlie said lightly, getting up to grab some firewhiskey. While he was up there, I glanced around to see that his twin brothers were here, as well as Harry and Ron. Hermione and Ginny had just entered the place and had sat down next to Ron and Harry. I tensed and looked away, a smile appearing on my face as Charlie returned to his seat with two bottles. I grabbed one of them, taking a drink before falling into silence. “It's going to be okay, Liz.”

“They think I'm an evil person that's going to kill you. I'm pretty sure that that isn't good.”

“It'll work out in the end,” a smirk suddenly appeared on his face. “Unless you really are planning to kill me, because that would suck!” I couldn't help but laugh as I tried not to choke on the drink I had just taken. “Come on, let's get back to the school.”

“Why?” I asked confused as his attitude changed suddenly.

“Well, a lot of it has to do with my siblings and their friends staring at us like I'm about to fall over dead.” I groaned, letting my head fall against the table with a thud, causing him to chuckle.

She's an Angel with a Shotgun (Charlie Weasley Love Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now