She's an Angel with a Shotgun Ch.7

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I walked up the stairs, knowing that this would lead to the seats that Charlie and his family and friends were at. I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing this, although as time went on I was beginning to accept that I just liked being around him. I continued walking, the game had already started and the players had been introduced.

I had to admit that I didn't really care about missing too much, but watching the guys topple out of their seats to get a closer look at the veelas was great entertainment. I reached the top and spotted Harry Potter talking with his friend excitedly as they cheered on the teams, decked out in their favorite team's colors.

A few heads turned as my heels clipped across the floor. One of the girls, who I recognized from pictures our spies in Hogwarts took, glanced over in curiosity. I was guessing her name was Hermione considering she had brown curly hair, unlike the other girl next to her which I knew must have been related to Charlie. She continued to watched me as I walked by them, moving toward where Charlie was watching the game.

“Which team are you routing for?” I asked, moving to stand beside him and causing him to jump in surprise. He pulled me into a large hug but pulled away looking embarrassed when he saw one of his brothers watching us with a smirk.

“Of course, the Irish,” he said gesturing toward hat he wore with a smile. I chuckled before glancing toward the match again. “To be honest, I didn't really think I would see you again.” I heard him say in a low voice as the crowd erupted in cheers as the Irish scored.

“Well, you did know I was coming here, so I don't know what you expected.” I told him, bumping into him slightly with my shoulder as I rolled my eyes.

“I didn't think we'd end up running into each other. You're pretty good at blending in,” he said, glancing me up and down. “Although you didn't really do much to hide yourself tonight.”

“Yeah, I didn't figure I would stay long.”

“So you decided to stay for me,” he said, that familiar smirk lighting up his face as he slung his arm around my shoulder.

“I guess I just missed being around someone normal,” I told him, looking over to see that the others were watching the game, but every now and then they would glance over toward us. “So who are all of them?”

“You don't know already?!” He said in mock surprise. “I expected you to have already found out everything about me.”

“Sometimes I prefer to learn about someone face to face. Stalking isn't something I particularly enjoy doing.”

“Let me guess, it's that big guy that works with you who enjoys following people.”

“Yep, you should see the file he has on you,” I told him with a wink, turning back as I watched a seeker fly past looking for the snitch.

She's an Angel with a Shotgun (Charlie Weasley Love Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now