13th Chapter: 3 Months Foward

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Three months passed by, Clary's parents were coming home in two days.

Clary was nervous because in two days she'll have to tell her parents about the pregnancy, she was lost in her thoughts.

"Baby?" Jace called "Hello? Earth calls Clary!"

"Yeah? Did you said something?" Clary spoke shaking her head and coming back to Earth.

"Yeah Clary, I was calling you. You just flew away in your mind and you had a nervous facial expression and I got concerned." Jace said.

"Sorry babe... I'm just too nervous with all of telling my parents about our baby." Clary explained.

"Don't be Clary baby. We'll tell them together. Although I'm afraid your parents may cut my throat out." Jace spoke.

"Thanks babe. You know I would never let them do it to you, right?" Clary said sitting in his lap.

"Always baby. I know." Jace spoke wrapping his arms around her waist carefully.

"I can believe it has already been three months since I got pregnant, time passed by flying." Clary spoke and kissed him.

"Yeah, look at that belly." Jace spoke smiling laying his hand on her stomach and making Clary giggle.

"Are you calling me fat?" Clary raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not baby." Jace spoke kissing her piercely and Clary kissed him back.

Jace laid Clary on the bed and pulled her shirt up laying kisses on her belly, which made Clary giggle.

Jace stopped and laid right next to her and stared at her electric green eyes.

Clary moved closer to him and he caressed her cheek.

Jace looked over to the clock on the wall.

"Baby we better go to sleep." he said picking her up.

"Ok, I'm really tired anyways. Being pregnant it's really hard." Clary admited and yawned on Jace's arms.

Jace sat her on a chair and opened Clary's bed for them.

"Jace come here." Clary spoke.

"What is it baby?" Jace asked getting closer to her.

"Here." Clary grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach "Do you feel it?"

"Yeah." Jace replied with the biggest smile "I love you."

"I love you too." Clary said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and Jace grabbed her legs taking her to bed.

As he laid her on her bed and covered her laying next to her.

Clary were fast asleep in Jace's arms and after a while Jace was asleep too.

In the middle of the night Jace carefully let go of Clary and goes to the bathroom.

Clary's dream turns into a nightmare and she starts to move scared on bed still asleep.

Jace heads back to the bedroom and find Clary moving on the bed so he runs towards the bed and sat right next to her shaking her carefully.

"Clary. Clary baby wake up!" Jace called and she sat on bed brutally.

"You wouldn't leave me would you? No matter what happens, right?" Clary asked.

"Of course not baby. Of course I would never ever leave you." Jace replied wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into an hug "You know I love you. No matter what happens, no matter how many challenges come, we'll get through it, together."

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