2nd Chapter: Jace Takes Clary Home

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Jace's POV:
We're in front of Clary's house. "Cla..." I was going to call her but she fell asleep. She's so cute sleeping, looks like an Angel.
"Clary." I called and shacked her softly but she didn't woke up.
Ok, I'm gonna have to pick her and take her to her house.
I get out of the car and went to the side she was sitting, I picked softly her head so she didn't fall when I took off her belt seat, once I took it off I picked her legs and took her out of the car, I closed the car door with my feet and walked to her door according to what she told me and hardly knocked in it then a girl that I suppose being her sister because they're really similar opened it.
"Hello, good night. Is this your daughter?" I asked "Yes, what did you do to her?" the girl asked "Nothing I was taking her home and she fell as sleep on my car miss." I answered "Give her to me." she said "Of course miss, can you hold her?" I said "I think so." she answered and I softly gave Clary to her but she almost left her fall but I cough Clary before she hit the ground, I understand why that happened, Clary's already 18 and must be heavy for her "Thank you boy. What's your name?" she asked "Jace Wayland." I answered "I'm Jocelyn Morgensten." she said "May I confess something to you Miss. Morgensten?" I asked "Sure." she answered "I don't want to offend you miss, when you opened the door I though you were Clary's sister." I confessed "Thank you." she thanked "You're welcome Miss Morgensten." I said "You can call me Jocelyn." she said "Alright Miss... Jocelyn." I said "Would you mind if I asked you to put her in her bedroom?" she said "Not a problem, where is it?" I said "Thank you Jace. Upstairs 2nd door at your right." she told me and I went upstairs and entered the 2nd door at my right.
I walked until her bed, laid her on the same and just took her shoes off. I went to the stairs "Jace, can you put her inside her bed please?" Jocelyn asked before I went down "Of course Miss Morgensten, I mean Jocelyn." I said and went back to Clary's bedroom, opened her bed on the other side and picked her up softly again and walked until the open side of the bed but she woke up.
"Why are you carrying me?" she asked confused while I putted her down "You fell asleep and your mom asked me to put you here because she can't hold you." I answered "Ok, thank you Jace." she thanked "Welcome Clary. I'll go now." I said "Bye Jace." she said "Thank you once again." she laid a kiss on my cheek "Bye Clary." I said and left her room and went downstairs "Thank you for your help Jace." Jocelyn thanked "Always." I said "Goodbye." Jocelyn said "Goodbye Miss Morgen... I mean, Jocelyn." I said and left Clary's house, got to my car and drove home.
Once I got there I entered and went to my bedroom and went to bed.
All I could think was Clary. How can a girl has such impact in me? I never stayed like this for nobody else.
My eyes started to close and I fell asleep.
I was walking with Clary hand in hand down the street, we sat at a park seat, she was sitting against me and I had my arm around her and she laid her head on my shoulder and looked at me and I looked at her and we kissed...................
Narrator POV:
#Clary's dream#
Clary was getting ready for her date, her boyfriend would pick her up at 7pm to take her to a fancy restaurant.
At 7pm o'clock someone knocked at the door and she opened it and kisses Jace, her boyfriend.
'Hello my angel.' he said 'Hi bae.' she said and Jace tangled their hands and walked to the limousine he rented for the date night. They were all the way in the limo kissing and chatting. Once they arrived he got out of the limo and helped Clary getting out of it, Clary felt so happy and completed and so did Jace.................
#End of the dreams#
Jace's POV:
I woke up with the alarm sound.
DAMMIT! I loved this dream but I just met her yesterday and she had such a big impact on me. How is it even possible?
I got up and got ready for a walk to think about what's happening.
I was walking around some places until I shocked with someone.
(Days passed and they still meeting accidentally and always shock with each other)
I shocked with somebody, but this time I grabbed the person's hand.
"Oh my God! I am so sorry." a girl said, it can't be "Clary?" I said confused when I saw who was she "Jace?" she said confused as well.
"Why do we always meet like this?" I asked picking up her bag that accidentally fell when we shocked "I don't know. I'm really sorry." she said grabbing her bag that I was handing her "It's good to see you, although we shocked." I said "It's good to see you too." she said.
Would you like to hang out? We can call Simon, Izzy and Alec to hang out with us." I asked "Hum... Sure." she said, of course I would rather be alone with her but I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
I picked up my phone and called Izzy.
#Phone call#
Izzy} Hello?
Jace} Hi Izzy, it's Jace. I would like to know if you would like to hang out with me and Clary.
Izzy} I can't unfortunately, I promised my mom I would make her company today, sorry.
Jace} It's ok. Next time then. Bye.
Izzy} Ok bye.
#Phone call end#
"Well, Izzy can't come, she promised her mother she would make her company all day." I said "Ok then. Call Simon and Alec maybe they can come." she said and I called Simon.
#Phone call#
Jace} Hey Simom! Would you like to hang out with me and Clary?
Simon} Hey bro! I would love too but I can't today, I have a routine consult at the oculist.
Jace} Ok. Next time then. Bye.
Simon} Bye!
#Phone call end#
"Simon can't either." I said "Ok, call Alec." she said and I did what she said.
"Nobody's answering. I think Alec might be at his kick boxing train." I said "Ok then. Than it's just the two of us." she said "Yeah. Where do you wanna go?" I asked "I have no idea." she answered.
"Well my feet are tired, do you want to sit or do you want to go to your home and stop hanging out?" I asked "No, let's hand out. Can we just go to your house or something? Because this Sun is burning me. I'm a bit pale so if I stay to much time in the Sun I'll end up red as a tomato." she said "Sure. My house? You sure?" I said "Yeah." she answered "Ok. Come." I said and she grabbed my hand I hesitated for a bit but hold her hand too.
Once we arrived I opened the door and let her in.
"Where's your parents?" she asked "I don't have ones... My mother died when I was born and my dad was murdered when I was 10..." I told extremely sad "Oh God... I'm so sorry... I had no idea..." she said and a tear rolled down her cheek "Hey Clary, it's ok, don't cry." I said and cleaned her tear with my thumb.
"Jace..." she said "Yeah?" I asked confused and she just stared at my eyes and suddenly kissed my lips...

Hey mundanes!
Hope you liked it!
Vote and comment if you did.
Once again sorry for my grammar errors but I'm Portuguese.
Kisses to my fav mundanes!

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