chapter 9

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It was two in morning when Tristan came to pick me up for our weekend away. He refused to tell me where we were going, just that I should pack for warm weather. It was a problem that he wouldn't tell me where we going, I had no idea if we were going to a territory that was on my watch list. No one else would tell me and I couldn't find anything when I hacked into his computer. It must have been important if it wasn't documented anywhere, meant he didn't want to risk someone finding out.

We were on the pack jet an hour later. I tried to stay awake but I had been up every night the past week doing security sweeps along the boundary of his territory. Something wasn't right, I could feel it, but I couldn't figure out what.

I woke up a few hours later and we were still on the plane. It had been about eight hours since we boarded, I asked him how much longer and he said a while. So I did the math and guessed we were going somewhere in Europe. About five hours later we landed. I looked around and it was just trees everywhere, I really had no idea where we were. And it wasn't like I could pull out my GPS and figure it out, he'd definitely notice. 

Tristan walked off the plane and stretched like a cat who'd been asleep for days. "We're here, finally." he yawned.

I popped up in front of him, "Umm yeah where's here exactly?" I gave him a tight smile.

He just patted my head and said "Can't tell you just yet, but you'll love it here." I swear my eye twitched in annoyance. 

I growled and climbed into the passenger side of the car he was already sitting in. We were driving for about an hour before we pulled up to a very large house. One that I recognized immediately.

"Welcome to Australia!" He looked so excited to be here I forced myself to plaster a smile on my face. "The alpha is a really good friend of mine, known him for a long time. You'll love his mate, she's a little shy but really nice." He got out of the car and came around to my side to help me out. We were walking up the steps when the front doors opened and two people stood there waiting for us. The girl's eyes got so wide when she saw me, I thought they would pop out of her head. She grinned and opened her mouth to say something but I subtly shook my head so she closed her mouth and gave me a confused look.

"Emma this is the alpha of Australia,  Alpha Collin, and his mate Sophie." I shook both their hands and gave the polite "Hi, nice to meet you," that everyone does when meeting new people. We walked in and the guys said that they had a meeting to go to, but that me and Sophie should hang out and go to the beach. We waited until they were in the car and half way down the drive until we turned to each other.

"What are you doing here?!" She hugged me and started jumping up and down.

"Believe me, if I had known where he was going, I wouldn't have come." She frowned letting me go and I immediately felt bad. "No, not like that Soph. I'm on an assignment, I can't blow my cover." And understanding immediately shown in her eyes followed by confusion.

"So you're pretending to be the mate of the crown alpha for an assignment..?" She looked really lost.

"Umm, no. We actually are mates." And then she was hugging me again. "Oh my gosh this is great! We can double date and hang out all the time now!" She was so happy, I felt bad telling her it wasn't like that, but I didn't lie to her.

I unwrapped her arms from my neck, "Soph. It's not like that. I can't have that, not with him."

"Why not? Is this because of what you do? He won't care, he loves you." She made it sound like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"It's not black and white Soph. If he finds out what I do, he'll make me stop, keep me under lock and key so I can't get hurt. I can't live like that, you know that." She understood, but she couldn't keep the pity and sadness from her eyes.

I'm An Assassin, Not Your Mate. (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now